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Ian Dunn starts Scottish Minorities Group (SMG) in 1969

Before SMG Started in 1969 there was the Bachelor Clan, Esquire Clubs in the N of England and more

Paisley Gay Group starts in 1970s - Paisley Gay Group 1970s becomes Paisley & District Branch of SHRG 1979

Aberdeen Branch of SMG starts in 1971

International Gay Rights Congress, Edinburgh 1974

Gay Centres in Glasgow from 1977 - Was it the First in the UK?

Glasgow Gay Club 1980 - 1982

What the Press in Scotland said about us

History of Gaysocs at Scottish Educational Institutions

Ian Dunn Archive Index: exploring the contents of the Outright Scotland Archive (popularly known as the Ian Dunn Archive) housed in the National Archives of Scotland.

HIV: The Scottish Dimension

LGBT Law in Scotland: Timeline

Miscellaneous Items

Site History Update Log : find latest additions: 21/11/2022

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This site is research and will probably always be under construction. However, it works fine but links are rather primitive and you require the use of the button on your browser quite a lot. It works best with Mozilla Firefox browser and construction is done using Ubuntu Linux running Middleman. Starting early 2022 the site has started using asciidoc as the markup language in place of html (or preprocessors like slim). This is easy to write, after a steep initial learning curve, but how to manage its CSS stylesheets is a developing enterprise. Progress and changes can be followed at the Site History Update Log but the intention is to make this a blog at some point.

This is prepared by Ian Strang for personal research purposes and should not be quoted. The material on this web site should be used only for educational purposes and not for profit, names should be used only with permission, and any material accessed through the web site should be properly attributed.

The material on this web site is believed to be in the public domain. However certain parts may be copyright. Any infringement of copyright is unintentional and will be rectified if you email me.

Included are a range of information on the early development of the LGBT Movement in Scotland. Starting with Ian Dunn’s original ideas and contacts with N America. (see Topics of Interest) Probably, the site has a bias towards Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee being places that are dear to my heart. Edinburgh is dear too!

Thanks to Outright Scotland and The Herald, formerly The Glasgow Herald, for permission to use their material. The Herald have requested that requests for reprints of historical material from the paper should be addressed to the one of the libraries which hold microfilms. Many of these have have links to online facsimile urls.

Ian Wullie’s Story: Being the tale of mysel, an Aberdeenshire loon fa wis born in 1941. My grannie aye caed me Ian Wullie, sae I’ll use that name here. I’m nae surealign if I can mine or no, or maybe I was telt, but a blimp came our the hoose wi it rope trailin doon aneath and scraped the tiles. My ma went out a a whirl wi me in her airms, I ettle she wis afae exitit. That man hae been afour the war endit, sae I wis born afore then.

Maybe its nae jist a tale, but maer remebrances o fouks fae the past, fouks I kent, fouks I ha heard telt o, an mony fouks I hae read aboot on the web. I wid tell the tale in Buchan if I’m able an pit a wee bit translation i the ither spik if I hae the time.

I started studying again, work on this site has become more intermittant. I am a therapist seeing clients in Glasgow. (see )

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