News: Items of Scottish Interest. - Will be under construction for some time, perhaps for ever, but it works |
GN1 June 1972 | |
GN 15 c. 1973 A Roof Over Our Gay Heads: Gay friendly accommodation: Edinburgh | |
GN 15 c. 1973 The Albany Trust | |
GN 22, April 1973 Information: Glasgow Pubs & Club | |
GN28 28 July, 1973 Scots Gays Invade London, Scottish GayLaw Reform |
GN30 23 Aug, 1973 SexChange-FromTheInside.jpg | |
GN30SexualOffencesa.jpg | |
GN35WhatPriceKissesa.jpg | |
GN43 28 March, 1974 Scots Women Meet Again |
GN47Bisexuality-a.jpg | |
GN47JanMorrisConundrum.jpg | |
GN47 May, 1974 Scotlands Repressive Climate, DundeeComes Out In Style | |
GN48EqualMeans16-a.jpg | |
GN48 6 June, 1974 Scottish Students Meet On Gay Rights, Equal Means Sixteen | |
GN64GaySweatshop-HomosexualActs.jpg | |
GN74CHEBill-a.jpg | |
GN74 ?July, 1974 Scottish Liberals Say No To 16 | |
GN91LesbianDemonstration.jpg | |
GN91LesbianImages-a.jpg | |
GN96 June 3-16, 1976 | |
GN96 1976 Cabinet Minister says Yes [to SMG Brass Plate], Spreading Its Wings [Gay Outdoor Club], Aberdeen University Tries To Close GaySoc, Don't Sit Back MP [Robin Cook] Warns Scots Gay, Gay News Guide Glasgow | |
GN96AdvertForBeardsleyPosters, GN96NelsonHotelEdinburghAdvert, GN96SMGBrassPlate, GN96TheLoveThatDaresToSpeakItsName | |
GN103 1976 BloodlessCoupAtCentre(BrixtonGS), GN103GaysUnderTheNazis, GN103MakingOfSebastiane-a.jpg | |
GN103 1976 Scots Bill MP [Robin Cook] reveals tactics, SMG Buys Centre In Glasgow | |
GN114 1977 CanLesbiansBeFriends-a, GayBritain-Edinburgh-a, Lovers Paintings Go Back On Display Glasgow, WelcomeToFireIsland-a | |
GN115 March 1976 Glasgow Gay Scene extensive article, GN115HighJinksBetweenJim&Bill, GN115PinningDownGayBadges | |
GN116 24 March, 1977 Boothby Lowering Of Age Of Consent 21 To 18 | |
7 April, 1977 Sketch of Duke
Of Wellington & The Waterloo Pubs, Glasgow, |
GN124 1977LesbianThreyreHere-a.jpg GN124 WeWillAppeal-a.jpg |
GN134 12 January, 1978:
BlasphemayAppeal-a.jpg GN134 Drag-a.jpg GN134 LoversArrested.jpg |
GN144 1978 Scots On The March [May 7] | |
GN154 1978 Badges, Gay Switboard Appeal-a, Scots Campaignbased On The Declaration & WeDeclare | |
Cartoon.jpg GN184 7 February, 1980: GayTV.jpg GN184 NoelGreg-a.jpg GN214 1981: BadgesAdvert.jpg |
Last issue c. April 1983. | |