GD467/1/1/1: Records of Outright Scotland "Ian Dunn Archive"
   1969 in National Archives of Scotland

Index of Items in this file


The Sexual Offences Act 1967 NB Not Scotland.] became law 27Jul 1967 England & Wales. [3 page account of main provisions. Banda foolscap sheets.]
Speech by Lord Arran House of Lords on third reading of Sexual Offences Bill: 21 Jul 1967
The Homosexual Law Reform Society. Who we are. What we have done etc.
[Undated. Foolscap sheet, banda.]

29 Dec, 1967 - ? May 1968: Correspondence between Ian Dunn, Scottish Law Society, Church of Scotland Social & Moral Welfare Committee regarding the Sexual Offences Act 1967 and its not applying to Scotland. IDSexualOffencesAct1967_1.htm
1 Mar 1968 Letter Samaritans to Ian Dunn thanking for donation. [MS Note ID] (Not "Albany" but, connected)
Kirk Concern on Birth Control for Unmarried - May 1968 [from date on back] no provenance.

Oct 1968 Esquire Clubs Limited Newsletter. Gaddum House, 16-18 Queen St., Manchester 2. Directors: Reg Kilduff, Allan Horsfall, Jack Jackson, Harold Pollard, Colin Harvey, Ray Gosling. [4 page letter size.] Members refused admission to Rockingham Club. Problems with Reg Kilduff who is a Director of Esquire and owner or Rockingham Club. Apparently Esquire members were being barred

Cf Gay Monitor Esquire Clubs: There is nothing on The Knitting Circle about this.

We think that this is a good time, particularly for the benefit of newer members, to outline the ESQUIRE development from its inception.

The Northern Homosexual Law Reform Committee was founded in 1964 to campaign for the abolition of legal sanctions against private homosexual acts. ... passing of Sexual Offences Act in 1967 the Committee, while convinced of the need for further improvements in the law, began to turn its attention to the many social problems still facing homosexuals.

It was at this stage that the Committee (C.) was approached by Reg Kilduff who asked it to take over the Rockingham Club from him and initiate an extended clubs project. The C. was interested and sympathetic, but felt that it should first seek to establish how great the need for such a development was.

Accordingly, a series of advertisements was placed in the personal columns of a number of local newspapers - "Have you a homosexual problem? - Ring Bolton 63961." The response was immediate and overwhelming. Whereas a number of the inquiries came from maladjusted homosexuals who were clearly in need of a counseling service which could offer long-term support, the overwhelming proportion came from homosexuals who were adjusted to their condition but who were suffering from severe social isolation.

It became clear, then, that this isolation was widespread and that it was particularly acute in the smaller towns and rural areas. The need for a clubs project was established as both necessary and urgent. THe C. accepted this need, but felt that it was not itself properly constituted to carry out this work. ... a limited liability company was needed for this purpose, hence setting up of Esquire Clubs Limited, all the Directors of which were nominated by the Northern Homosexual Law Reform Committee. ... to allay people's doubts ...C. invited Mr. Jan de Groot & Mr. J. W. Makveld of C.O.C. in Holland to address two meetings in Manchester, one for social workers and the other for ESQUIRE members ... Reg Kilduff wanted £7,000 for purchase of Rockingham club building which was exorbitant. ... affiliation proposals to continue ...
... 29 Aug [1968] New Society article appeared "Homosexuals Now" [MS] by Ray Gosling - dealt at length with ESQUIRE project. [Quote from article appears later in this newsletter.] "ESQUIRE is an adventure, honestly begun and bravely continued."

... following Sunday BBC Radio4 "The World This Weekend" presented a sympathetic report "The spread of homosexual clubs in Britain"

... following Wednesday Lord Arran bitterly attacked clubs & expressed hope that they would fail. He also attacked them in his regular column in the London Evening News ... had he known that this was going to happen, he would not have introduced his Sexual Offences Bill. He attacked again next Wed in same paper.

... 19 Sept [1968] Evening News published letter from Secy. of ESQUIRE:-

"I have worked publicly in the field of homosexual law reform for longer than Lord Arran and I am convinced that he is wrong about the need for homosexual clubs.

We at Esquire Clubs regret that it is necessary for minorities to be organised in this way, but homosexuals at the moment are misunderstood and misrepresented to an extent that they need the particular support and protection that only they proposed clubs can give them.

We will continue to work and pray for the time when the clubs are no longer needed and when the homosexual can take his place in the wider community, but for the present we are simply not prepared to sacrifice this generation for the sake of the next."

Lord Arran has since maintained public silence, but the ESQUIRE Board and the Northern Committee are still facing considerable private pressure from London [MS] (I.C.A.T.) and elsewhere.

... 8 Sep [1968] Sunday Telegraph published a very straight and factual report about ESQUIRE "Aid for Homosexuals: Company to Form Clubs."  No letters followed.

... 9 Sep [1968] Burnley Evening Star published equally straight report headed "Burnley May Get Club for Homosexuals." One letter followed in support,

... later same week BBC Radio Sheffield broadcast a short interview about ESQUIRE and they are now interested in devoting one of their religious programmes to this aspect of social need of homosexuals.

14 Nov 1968 Letter Ian Dunn, 7 Hillside Cresc., Prestwick, Scotland to Mattachine Society of Washington.
.. interested to receive information about your society. ... you get a mention in "Homosexuality" by West. Attempts to establish Social Clubs (À La Amsterdam), are not proving an easy matter - there seem to be quite a bit antipathy. The Albany Trust has done, and is doing, a great job of education and counseling work, but is finding support is falling away now that the main "battle" has been won. (But not in Scotland,  where it remains a crime to be homosexual). ...

16 Nov 1968 Letter Ian Dunn to Alan Horsfall [Secy Homosexual Law Reform Committee.]

Thank you very much for October's Newsletter and the photocopy of Ray Gosling's "New Society" article. ... Your newsletter puts in words what I have felt since the summer - that there is an extraordinary lack of interest in homosexual matters just now. By this I mean the establishment of Social Clubs 'à la Esquire [sic]', and the like.

It would seem that if we assert our equality in the community - and enjoy the security and ease of equals - there is a hostility, a sort of"well, of course I would work for Law Reform and removal of social injustice, but regulated gay clubs? No sir - youre on your own">. At least, I've found so. Perhaps I can illustrate this in my communication with the Church of Scotland. In May 1968 the Social and Moral Welfare Committee announced that it would ask the General Assembly to reverse it's 1967 motion that (in effect) homosexuals were to be pitied as perverts and man (women were not mentioned) without moral control. (!) . Douglas Alan,Secretary, was the prime mover and I wrote to him and offered my support. (Earlier the C. of S. telephonist was most embarrassed: "What did you say your enquiry was about?") The Assembly just reversed last years ruling by 445 votes to 420. However, in August Mr Allan "wasnt available" by phone or letter. I wanted to get in touch with him as he has met Anthony Grey on one or two occasions, and, as I was going to visit the Albany Trust early in September, I wanted to take with me some concrete news of homosexual developments in Scotland. I was unable to do this, and Tony Grey was in Holland at the time of my visit.

I'm concerned too at the long silence from 32 Shaftesbury Avenue, and am half frightened to write in case I hear the worst. The Law Society [MS f.n.] (* The Law Society of Scotland.)

However, like yourself, I am ultimately optimistic. I have written to the Mattachine Society of Washington, and hope to get an up-to-date idea of what's happening in the USA. I have been invited to have a talk with the Rev James Day, Assistant, Religious Programmes, BBC Television Scotland. This is in connection with the Scottish programme "Sunday Set", and though its mainly abut religion, you never know where the conversation will take you!

Esquire has my full support. Have you, by the way, considered advertising in Timm Magazine? Or have they "turned you down". I continue to spread the work - slowly - at my end./ Yours sincerely/ signed (IAN C DUNN)


26 Nov 1968 Letter [reply] Allan Horsfall, Secy., North-Western Homosexual Law Reform Committee, to Ian Dunn.

Thank you for your very interesting letter of 16 Nov [1968] written to me at Esquire Clubs. My former Chairman is now living and working in Scotland and doing something toward the formation of a Scottish Law Reform Committee.

May I suggest that you get in touch with him and mention my name? He is:- Colin Harvey, M. A., Lecturer in Social Work, Jordanhill College, Glasgow, who was previously Chair of HLRC.]

27 Nov 1968 Lecturer Ian Dunn to Colin Harvey. Inviting contact.
... can I be so impertinent as to suggest that we might meet for an exchange of views in the not too distant future.

6 Jan 1969. Letter Colin Harvey to Ian Dunn. Reply to letter of 22 Dec 1968,

Dear Mr Dunn,

Thank you for your letter of 22 Dec. I received your earlier one, but Xmas & pressure of work at college has prevented me from replying. I only got your second letter this a.m. on going into college.

I am in touch with 3 others Jim Halcrow (Edinburgh), Bert Henry (Rothsay), Donald Brook (Glasgow). I think it would be best to hold a meeting maybe here in Glasgow if we can find a central place. ... Maybe when the Committee (if such it is to be) gets going a suitable Secretory will be found, who will answer letters more ???fully than me!
[note added by ID] Acknowledged by Letter Card (1st C) & telephone p, 9.1.69. Meeting arranged.
[ball point note] Friday 10th 7.15pm Station Buchanan/ Turn Rt/ First Left 800yds UP THE HILL/ (West Side) Talloch Loch Montrose/ ask


14 Jan 1969. Letter Ian Dunn to Allan Horsfall,

I am very pleased to write and tell you that the fears expressed in my letter of 22nd December were unfounded.

Colin Harvey replied to my second letter (1st one recd OK, but pressure of work caused a delay), and I have spent a most enjoyable evening with Colin & his marvelous wife at their house in Milngavie.

I expect the names Bert Henry, Donald Brook, Jim Halcrow will be familiar to you through correspondence. Colin and I hope to have a meeting of the 5 or us in Glasgow on 26th January [1969] to decide what action we should take and to gather information (badly lacking) about the Scottish position.

I would like to keep you informed, so no doubt you will get another letter quite soon!

With kindest regards, Ian

[Stapled together all in table]

14 Jan 1969. Letter Ian Dunn to Jim Halcrow.

Dear Jim Halcrow,

A letter from a stranger - but, I hope, not an unwelcome nor unexpected one!

I, too, have been in touch with Colin Harvey via Allan Horsfall/Esquire. In fact on Friday night I spent a most enjoyable evening with Colin & his wife (children safely in bed!) at Milngavie.

Colin tells me that you have been in contact with him, and it seems that you and I have had similar aims with your correspondence with various bodies (C of S: - you, the Chairman; me, the Secy eg) One of the minor tragedies is that we havnt met, and without Esquire probably never would have had that chance. (Have you read Bryan Magee's "One in Twenty"?).

The point of my letter is: are you free to come to Glasgow on Sunday evening 26th January? The meeting place hasnt been fixed yet. Colin hopes that he, yourself, myself, Donald Brook & Bert Henry will be able to come.

Obvious "business" will be to settle whether or not we establish some sort of committee (I've volunteered, tentatively, to act as secretary) and it's title. Much else will arise, no doubt. Will we only be concerned with homosexual men, or with lesbians as well? How is the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 being used in Scotland since July 1967? What about local "indecency" bye-laws?

Your comments on these - and on may other points - will be most valuable Jim.

Will be keeping you informed,/ sincerely,/ (IAN C DUNN)


Above is a reference number (=Scottish Homosexual Committee Nr 1). A prelim. title only. [MS] I.C.D.

COPY [undated, handwritten]

Dear Mr Hamilton,

I reoirted ti secy of my group following our meeting on 21st March [1969] and I am now authorised to confirm that we would like to accept your king offer of the use of a room in your centre. [Where?]

I am prepared to meet a few of the people who have been referred to you by psychiatric hospitals (the Albany Trust will continue to make its own arrangements) in an attempt to assess what would be expected of my group. If you think this would serve any useful purpose, we can discuss how this might be arranged. I am principally interested in the needs of those who are exclusively homosexual because of the difficultly, which some social workers have, in accepting the absence of heterosexuality.


"ARENA 3" - April 1969



A small male group (a lady supporter was prevented from attending) has been formed in Scotland, "to consider the position of the homosexual in Scotland". Suggested title: The Scottish Minorities Committee. It is intended to hold another meeting, in Glasgow, on May 9 [1969], to which interested "A3" readers will be welcome.

This new group is currently emphasising the social welfare side, and has had discussions with a local social work agency and with the Church of Scotland. - Please write to Mr J. Halcrow, 15 Rossie Place, Edinburgh 7. Mr Halcrow has asked for our views on the proposed title. We think it is a good one, and hope that this new group, like the women's social groups, will be able to collaborate with the Minorities Research Trust, and of course with "Arena Three," for the general benefit of all homosexuals.

[Carbon copy]

7, Hillside Crecent Prestwick,/ PRESTWICK,/ Ayrshire./10 April 1969.

Dear Jim [Halcrow],

... thanks for interesting letter of 1 April & 9 April [1969] . 3 highlights of ,y "gay" holiday in London 'The Boys in the Band',  dinner 'Inigo Jones'  (the actor Richard W___ & his affair were there), 21°C in shade, meeting with 75 year old aunt. Exhausting train journey.

... will join you for lunch on Friday 18  [Aprill? 1969].

I have firm news of where our next meeting is to be held: 65 Oakfield Avenue, Glasgow, W2 ... Andrew Melville House (the University Chaplaincy)...

Important.. did you read "New Society" of 27 March [1969]? ... article (Homosexuals: New Law but no New Deal) by Anthony Grey & Dr West. I sent a letter to editor 3 April supporting point about 'homosexuals who wish to meet and exchange views' & said that in Scotland 'there is already such a group which has had successful meeting and lively discussions'.

I'll certainly ask Colin about Andy [who?] - I'm writing to him tonight.

Divided loyalties of course, but I hope that Bob Thompson can come to our next meeting. That you are thinking in terms of a General Meeting, is very interesting. I hope to put 'Congress' for discussion on the next agenda. Colin's idea is to take over a hotel for the weekend, invite guest speakers, and generally discuss things at leisure.

...  heard Betti Jones on Radio 4 ... someone to contact.  Kathleen Raby sent charming acknowledgement & wants progress reports. Another letter from Frank Kameny - we're honoured!

... SMG note paper out to 4 printers ... coloured margins, which will add a bit of class.

Meetings with Colin [Hervey],  Donald & Ean on 1 & 2 April [1969] were fruitful. Ean is not even a subscriber to A.T. so he is a free agent. Colin was friendly as always. Told me to stop worrying about the whole business. Agreed that as the word "club" so upsets A[thony] G[rey], we should not think in club terms.

Donald is a little more "tricky". Not easy to put feelings into typescript, but his attitudes are not ours. ... listen more readily to a body of the electorate than listen seriously to one (rather cranky) individual ...

warmest regands [Ian Dunn]

[Bundle of 5 letters from North-Western Homosexual Law Reform Committee all from Allan Horsfall to Ian [Dunn] 1 Feb to 2 Jul 1969.


Bundle of letters between Franklin E Kamey, Mattachine Society of New York and Ian Dunn, (one to Alan Harsfall) between 1 Feb 1969 and 30 July. These relate the NY experience of clubs and the law. They always plead innocent to, for example, to procecution for mem dancing with men. Kameny asks under what law is it illegal (17 Jun 1969).

On Albanyt Trust headed paper, unsignedm 14 Feb 1969
Contains two addresses:
Rev. Ean Simpson (who says to leave off the 'Rev' for cases)
Mrs. Kathleen J Ruby, Casewordk Supervison & Tutur, The City of Glasgow Society of Social Services Inc., 212 Bath St, Glasgow, C2.

Letter Antony Grey, Albany Trust, to Ian (Dunn) 19 Feb 1969.
... thanks for leteer of 17 Feb & enc. information - quite fascinating! [what was it]
... glad you met Mrs Raby & I am sure you will find her helpful ... look forward to hearing after your meeting on 6th [Mar?].
Mrs. Cordell joins me in sending our best wishes.
[Signed] Antony Grey, Secretary

Stapled bundle of correspondence between Ian Dunn & Ean Simpson 23 Feb - 12 Apr 1969 in GD467_1_1_1_Lets_ICD_EanSimpson230169to120369.htm

Letter RS to Mr Horsfall, Secretary, NWHomosexual Lay Reform Committee: 2 Mar 1969.

BS will be happy to be of any assistance in legal or other capacity - ask Mr. [Colin] Harvey to contact him. At least one other solicitor and other people are interested in the ne Committee...

Letter Alan Horsfall to RS, 11 Mar 1969

Dear Mr S, ... thanks for letter ... man holding the fort is Ian C Dunn & gives his address for contact. Colin Harvey convalescing after an accident.

Letter Ian C Dunn to RS: 13 Mar 1969 [carbon copy]

Dear Mr S, ... about half a dozen ESQUIRE supporters have been to 2 meetings in his parents house in Glasgow.  Not looking for establishing clubs, but are casting a wider eye over Scottish scene. ... supporters of Albany Trust - its constitution precludes setting up clubs, which is why ESQUIRE organisation is separate. Finds idea of setting some sort of club in Glagow interesing. Yours sincerely ICD

Letter Ian Dunn to Editor, "New Society": 3 Apr 1969

... wholly in accord with Antony Gary & Dr West's aricle "Homosexuals: New Law but no New Deal" (27 Mar [1969]. ... a solution must be found for homosexuals who wish to meet and exchange views, 

Letter Allan Horsfall, Secy, NW Homosexual Law Reform Committee: 12 Apr 1969

... matter of failure of Manchester Clubs, 2 clubs involved, 1 now closed. Mathews Club (formerly Club Rouge) closed earlier this year. Story of Esquire & Rockingham Club set out in enclosed statement. [not there, but probably Oct 1968 Newsletter].

Humanist News: July n- August, 1969: British Humanist Association (p3)

Albany Trust: Financial Crisis

AT set up by Homosexual Law Reform Society faces crisis from which is may not recover. Success achieved with Sexual Offences Act 1967, let to wider publicity and significant increase in calls for help, higher case-work expenses, not met by increase in income. In 1966 , year before act, Trust helped 150 men & women. Last year this increased to over 500. The BHA shares a president with the HLRFS, Prof A J Ayer. The Trust is appealing for £10,000.

Letter, 15 Apr 1969, from Ian Dunn to Humanist News: regarding a letter from Paul Rom, published April 1969 - cutting attached. [there is a reply from Rom (10 May 1969) & letter from Ian Dunn (23 May 1969) later in file]

Letter, 16 Apr 1969, acknowledgement from British Humanist Association to Ian Dunn

Letters between Robert Thomson, Secretary of Scottish Council of Civil Liberties & Ian Dunn: 5 Jun 1969

BS invited to attend meetings of SMG.

Ian Dunn says he is moving from weatherman to town-planner starting a 5 year course at Herriot-Watt University in Oct, 1969. He hopes Bob will be free on Friday night 29 June, 1969, the more active members will be meeting in the Close Theatre Club. [First mention of Close Theatre as a Gay Venue.] There will be about 6 of "us".

Letter from T Colin Harvey, SMG Chair, to professionals who deal with homosexuals in difficultly: 13 Jun 1969. [Copied]

and replies in GD467_1_1_1CHarveyToProfessionals.htm

Bundle of letters between Franklin E Kameny (Mattichine Soc of Washington D.C.) and Ian Dunn: 1 Feb to June 17 1969. Not typed but put in separate file. GD467_1_1_1FEKameny_ICD_Feb-Jun1969.htm

Start here Albany Trust letter 14 Feb 1969   with addresses of Rev Ean Simpson (Tighnabruich)

Mrs Kathleen J Raby, Casework Supervisor & Tutor, City of Glasgow |Society of Social Work Services Inc, 212 Bath St, Glasgow, C2.- note left in file 28 June-2006

19 Feb 1969 Letter Colin [Harvey] to Ian [Dunn] Thanks very much for the minutes of the meeting on Feb 7th. Splendid account Also for the very interesting letter from the States.
How about writing to Allan Horsfall to tell him about the meeting. He might know of some more interested parties.
Delighted to hear about Herriott-Watt.

16 Mar 1969 Letter Colin Harvey to Ian Dunn.
Thanks for the excellent report of the 2nd meeting.Keep bashing out this sort of material I am sure it is valuable - no, essential - as it is the first step in keeping people in touch.
I like the "Scottish Minorities Committee", and it will be interesting to see what the others think.
Just a small point, but the last line on p.1 should really read " A.T. and Esquire supporters in Scotland". I think that five of those now on the committee (you, me, Bert, Donald, Jim) met through Esquire and are Esquire supporters.
It may be that the new committee should assert its independence of both Esquire & Albany Trust at this stage, until it is clear with whom - if with anyone - it wants to associate itself.
THe literature was very interesting. Best wishes, Colin.
P.S. 21 |HILLHEAD STREET is NOT ON as my friend has not volunteered& I has referred me to the university.

29 Mar 1969 Letter Colin Harvey to Ian [Dunn].
Have obtained use of room for meeting on May 9th at Andrew Melville House, 65 Oakfield Ave., Glasgow W2 (actually the chaplaincy) which is very central./ See you Monday next./ Colin.
P.S. Could you send Minutes of last meeting (but not an invitation) to Rev Miller at that address. [MS note] * done 1/4/69 I.C.D.

Card from Colin Harvey.
S. O. S. / Have no S.M.G. notepaper to reply to letters received from our correspondents!/ Prof. Millar, Aberdeen & Edin. Univ. Chaplain./ Colin. [MS note Ian Dunn] Received 24/6 Actioned 24/6

28 Jun 1969. Letter Colin Harvey to Ian [Dunn]
Apologies for the 'blobs'.
Thanks for the notepaper. Have now answered all the letters -some at length, Look forward to discussing them with on Sunday next. Come for lunch (Rosie suggests). There is lots to do in the garden if we get bored with SMG./ I enclose some copies of the letters. I got 30. Have written so far to David Campbell (Davidson clinic) & Keith Wardrop (Forensic [MS note ID] Definition="of Courts of Law" [L. FOrum] Clinic). Will get this off this weekend, I hope./ Very pleased with response to my letter, esp. from Prof. Millar & Tom Scott./ Regards Colin
[MS note ID] Youth Workers (C of S) Ronald Beasley/ James McKinney formerly of the "HUB", Clydebank now teaching J'hill [Jordanhill].

Jan 1968. Letter Anne Kolaszynska, University of Birmingham, regarding a survey of homosexual men.
Some of Donald Brooks' Correspondence. A list on 1 page of foolscap of 4 quotes.


First meetings of Scottish Minorities Group (SMG) 7 Feb. 1969
Second Meeting [of the Scottish Minorities Group (SMG)] to discuss the position of the homosexual in Scotland. 6 March 1969.

Third Committee Meeting of the Scottish Minorities Group (SMG)] to discuss The Position of the Homosexual in Scotland. 9 May 1969


Recommendation to the Commissionttee on Relisious and Moral Education c. 14 June 1969. [Spirit duplicated in purple. 1 sheet foolscap]
"... there is an area in which shoolchildren receive very inadequate moral guidance: homosexual relationships.
... children pass though a discernable "homosexual" stage - most will have heteos. drive by school leaving age - a minority - wondering, deeply worried will have homos. drives
... facts of life talk opened to include discussions on human relationships
... personal relationships should be based on love ... homosexual affection can be as selfless as heterosexual, we cannot see that it is morally worse.

In summary, the Group hopes that children should be taught:

  • the fact about homosexuality - origin - not dependent on whishes of indifividuals involved - almost always irreversible
  • homosexuals should not be forced into situations which can never be based on love (ie heterosexual relationships).
  • when they know more than one homosexual, - encourage development of relationships bases on same ethics which apply to heterosexual relationships
  • blackmailing of homosexuals is not a moral act perfomed in best interests of society.

Accompanied by letter from Ian Dunn 14 June 1969
Reply from David Stevenson, Committee on Moral and Religious Education 19 June 1969: "The members will, I am sure, be very interested to studye the views expressed in it."


Announcement and agenda of 4th meeting 16 July 1969 meeting [on headed paper with SMG logo etc.

This did take place at 4 Moray Place, Glasgow and was adjourned at 10.10pm. Business will be concluded at the ...


Glasgow Herald 1968 - Church Committee try again to get understanding for homosexuals

Also "Progressive Steps in Canada  " Glasgow Herald 23/7/69( page not known) on Criminal Code Amendment Act: not entered in Glasgow Herald file.