Ian Dunn Archive 1969

1971-96 SMG/SHRG/Outright Scotland: publications: examples

The entire contents of this file are listed here. It contains fine examples of early SMG leaflets.

Loose items

SMG Tie: with Thistle and letters SMG under on blue backgreound in original polythene bag.

Membership Form dated 1995

Items in a sheet of A4 marked "Done" items. This sheet is article from Scotsman, Mon 15 Dec , 1975 "Minorities group call for equal rights by David King."

Single white A4 sheet printed with pale blue headings and black text by Maclean and Ryden, Dundee.
Date: prior to name change in 1978
Prepared by Scottish Minorities Group (Dundee), c/o Castlehill HOuse, 1 HIgh Street, DUNDEE.

In this leaflet we hope to show that homosexuality is not, or at least need not be, as great a problem as the majority of people believe. We hope to do this by attempting to deal with some of the more common misunderstandings associated with homosexual men and women.

[Headings include]
Homosexuals molest children.
Homosexual men are effeminate and Homosexual women are masculine.
Homosexuals are promiscuous.
Homosexuals are sick and can be cured.

White A4 sheet printed in black. 4 copies plus 1 copies with MS notes.
Date: prior to name change in 1978
"Introducing SMG
If you are homosexual -or have friends wh are;
If you agree with these aims..........
 THEN SMG is a group you will want to support. SMG is your group.
   .......JOIN TODAY!
SMG, 214 Clyde St, Glasgow G1 4JK. tel 041-771 7600
 [Membership was £2]
White A4 sheet printed in black. 2 copies.
Date: prior to name change in 1978. Address 214 Clyde St, Glasgow. Produced by Glasgow Committee.
"SMG hobbies and interests.
Dear Member, You Committee always seeking new ideas for bringing members together Socially, have decided to issue this questionnaire. The fact is that without some detailed information from you, a member, it is not easy for us to know what you would like to see happening. ...
Why! The reasons for this questionnaire is that members wishing to meet privately with others of similar interests can be advised discreetly of social happening to their mutual advantage. Probably taking the form of a small meeting in a member's home of perhaps ten or so members of a variety of age groups, having a chat and a coffee, enjoying something that appeals to all of them. ...
QUESTIONNAIRE FORM [includes] AGE GROUP 18-25, 25-35, 35-45, over 45
Beer Mat: White with dark green printing single colour.
Date: 1978-92
Lamda sign, "GAY RIGHTS. We're in the phonebook - under 'Homosexual'. FIND OUT MORE from SHRG at 60 Broughton St, Edinburgh, Scotland."
[Written on back in ballpoint pen] "Bot, Reason 1/3 responded was because everyone got a printed, reply-paid envelope"
 11 Sticky badges on backing sheet, printed black on white. "GAY PRIDE SHRG ~ Glasgow"
Date: 1978-92
Single A4 sheet printed blue on grey/green backing showing thistle.
Date: 2000.
"A Claim of Right" ... Outright Scotland.... is part of EQUALITY 2000."
Smaller than A4 single sheet printed black on white. 3 copies.
Date:  prior to name change in 1978, address 214 Clyde St, Glasgow. Reference Scotsman report of 22 June 1971. 
"The Case for Homosexual Law Reform in Scotland.
INFORMATION. Scotland remains one of the few countries in Europe where homosexual  acts are still illegal in all circumstances. The following resolution was proposed by the Scottish Minorities' Group at the AGM of the Scottish Council for Civil Liberties, and adopted as SCCI policy.
EQUALITY FOR HOMOSEXUALS. This AGM [of SMG] notes the continuing social and legal inequalities of the homosexual in Scotland and recommends to the Executive Committee and Parliamentary Civil Liberties Group to press for legal reforms for an early removal of remaining discrimination.
At the request of the Scottish Council for Civil Liberties, the Executive Committee of the SMG, prepared a memorandum (which is printed overleaf) outlining the reasons for the above resolution and the action required.
Notes English position of 1967 Act which legalised homosexual acts where both partners were over 21.
 A4 sheet black printing on white. 3 copies one with MS note "Drawn up by E.C. 6/[19]71."
Date: "Published by SMG June 1971".
Until the SMG was formed there was no organisation which catered for the needs of homosexuals. The hardest hurdle ahs been to overcome the attitude that homosexuals must not be allowed to meet for the purpose of social enjoyment. It is central to the Group's philosopy that homosexual should hold his head high in the community without incurring comments based on general ignorance on homosexuality. This ignorance can in some measure be dispelled by greater honesty on the part of individual homosexual man [sic] and women and by responsible collective action through the SMG.
PROGRESS ... use of Cobweb on Mondays (8 for 8.30pm), when guests and guest-speakers ...  Saturday evening socials (10pm to midnight). ... location basement at 23 George Square. Similar facilities are being developed in Glasgow."
 A4 sheet grey/green printing on front with line drawing of 2 women, reverse in black.
Date: "Contact Women's Section of the SMG, at Glasgow Gay Centre, 534 Sauchiehall St, Glasgow" therefore 1977-82.
What do you mean?
  - Perhaps is goes deeper than friendship.
Is this what is meant by being lesbian?
 A4 single sheet SMG logo& headings in red rest in black on white. 3 copies.
Date:  "11/73" November, 1973.
"SMG The total number of people in Scotland whose lives are materially affected by homosexuality exceeds half a million
An introduction to The Scottish Minorities Group
The impossible will take a little longer ....
... [text] ...
Perhaps you can help us achieve just a little more of that impossible ...
 A4 single white sheet printed red and black. 3 copies
Date: "Nov. 1975."
Scottish Minorities Group For the Rights and Welfare of Homosexual Men and Women.
A Quarter Million Scottish homosexuals Can't Be Wrong!
 An introduction ...[SMG] has made life happier for homosexual men and women in Scotland. ...
The Law of Scotland, as it affects homosexual men, it totally unreformed. [sic] It is based on a Criminal Law Amendment Act passed in Queen Victoria's time. In 1973, the Lord Advocate, who has ultimate authority to direct criminal  prosecutions in Scotland, wrote to SMG saying that the Crown Office would not sanction proceedings where sex between men in private was concerned. This was a great advance on previous statements and in an editorial at the time, the "Glasgow Herald" stated that SMG was right to demand a repeal of the old laws.
... SMG publishes three regular newletters: SMG NEWS ..., GAYZETTE (published by SMG Edinburgh Women), and GGASLITE (published by SMT Glasgow Branch ...) ...
... SMG is made up of local branches , eleven altogether. In 1975 these were: Glasgow Women and Edinburgh Women, which are self-determining womens branches within the framework of the Glasgow and Edinburgh Branches, and the Branches in Inverness, Aberdeen, Fife, Falkirk, Dundee, Paisley, Cumbria  & The Borders (Carlisle).
SMG - An advisory and befriending service  With the setting up or Offices in Edinburgh and Glasgow, SMG is able to provide telephone "switchboard" services. In Glasgow we have a 24-hour answering service, the Glasgow Gay Advisory Service ... Edinburgh runs such a service on Wednesdays to Saturdays between 7 - 9pm. ...
 A4 sheet printed in blue and black. 3 copies.
Date:  prior to 1978
SMG [lambda Saltire style logo]  Some of your best friends are homosexual
... Local branches hold regular meetings ... Aberdeen, the Borders, Central Scotland, Dundee, Eastern Borders, Edinburgh, Fife, Glasgow. ...
Has produced  "Open Door" programme on BBC-2 ...
A4 white sheet with 1/2 A4 green insert, black print.
Date: "October 1975", insert "May, 1976"
"Scottish Minorities Group Edinburgh Branch.
THE BEGINNING ... SMG formed in Glasgow on 9 May 1969.  Its name is ill-defined and euphemistic, but at that time in Scotland it took courage enough simply to set up a self-help organisation ...
 A4 pink single sheet black printing.
Date: "11/1978" .
"[Lambda logo] THE $64,000 QUESTIONS [marked in bold no] 1 pubished by SHRG, 60 Broughton St, Edinburgh.
... At Annual COnference, of CHE ... August, 1978..."
A4 green single sheet black printing. 3 copies
Date: "11/1978" .
 "[Lambda logo] THE TRUTH, THE HALF TRUTH AND ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH the law and the rights of homosexul men & women [marked in bold no] 2 pubished by SHRG, 60 Broughton St, Edinburgh.
The Truth We are, along with Ireland, the only Western European country which makes homosexual acts illegal. The UK Government is presently being sued before the European COurt of Human Rights for being in breach of its Treaty obligaions on this homosexual issue.
THE CRIMINAL KISS Not only sodomy, by any form of overt homosexual behaviour between men in public or private is criminal. It is classified as grossly indecent 1 ([FN] s.11 Ciminal Las Amendment Act 1885; now s.7 Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 1976) It always amazes gay people that the state sees it as decent to hate homosexuality but it is indecent for gay people to love one another. Even a couple, whether lesbian or male homosexual, who kiss or hold hands in public are liable to be arrested. In bigoted Scotland, such conduct is "likely to cause a breach of the peace." Whose peace? ..."
A4 pink single sheet black printing. 3 copies.
Date: 11/1978
  "[Lambda logo] FOR GAY KIDS ... published by SHRG, 60 Broughton St, Edinburgh.
 A4, 1 blue, 1 green,  single sheet black printing. 
Date: 11/1978
"[Lambda logo] GAYS ON THE JOB [marked in bold no] 3 published by SHRG, 60 Broughton St, Edinburgh.
 A4 yellow single sheet black printing. 3 copies
Date: 11/1978
The title embraces not only people who are growing up to be homosexual, but also the community at large who will benefit from improved attitudes about homosexuality.  ... sex education is schools ... preserves  view that sex is essentially for reproduction, reinforcing romanticised notions about marriage and perpetuating antagonisms towards homosexuality and masturbation.
ROLE OF THE TEACHER Most schools have at least one teacher who is hs ...
 A4 3 sheets stapled into folded booklet. Date 11/1978
In Housing ...In Child Custody ...In Kinship ... In Medicine ...In the Media ... Our Right of Association ...

Contains 5 cartoons eg "You can't be gay your'e a mother!"
 A4b single sheet 11/1978 
HOW DID YOU FIND TH GAY SCENE 6 - or are you looking for something better?
... once you have accepted your hs & taken the plunge into the gay scene, live can be very pleasant ...
But the gay life has its dark side ...don't tell people at work we are gay ... we laugh when they tell anti-gay jokes ...
 A4 sheet  undated  © Derek Ogg 1981, 1984
Four documents in series
"1 Trouble With ... THE POLICE  A free lesbian and gay guide to Police Powers of Arrest and Detention in Scotland, pub SHRG
"2 Trouble With ... EMPLOYMENT
"3 Trouble With ...BUYING A HOUSE OR A FLAT [2 editions]
"4 Trouble With ... MAKING A WILL
 A4 sheet SHRG 1986 3 copies.
HOMOSEXUALITY IS ........Winde-ranging ... Everywhere ... Surprising ... Fighting Prejudice ... Our Experience
 A4 single sheet folded. Date 1983
Scottish Homosexual Rights Group is alive and well and welcomes new members  Interested? [Membership application form with 2 photos. One shows group  marching with banner 'Aberdeen Gay Activist Alliance' beside 'FIght Racism'
 A4 sheet printed black & red .  11/1978
- That hs is as natural as heterosexuality, and that it is the natural sexual orientation of well over a quarter of a million people in Scotland
- That hs people are found in all walks of life, are of all races and ages, and of all political and religious beliefs
- That the fear and hatred of hs is a product of ignorance and insecurity
We Hereby Claim our full Human Rights and Civil Liberties
1 We have the Right to Equality before the Law
2 We have the Right to Equal Opportunities in Employment
3 We have the Right to an Education that meets our Needs
4 We have the Right to Live as We Choose
Gay or not - what YOU can do
It is Time
 A4 - a little less than half. Folded in 4 to fit wallet. April 1991. Several copies. 
If you agree to assist the police or you are arrestedm there are basic rules which the police must follow: [headings only]
1 Street Detention
2 Police Questioning
3 The Caution
4 Statements
5 Detainee's Rights
6 Record of Detention
7 Arrest and Charge
8 Bail
9 Fingerprinting and Photographing
10 Searching an Individual"
There is a later edition "Outright Scotland BUST CARD 1st edition 4/91 Revised 1/93"
 A5 Flyer
"Sat 23rd June Scottish GAY PRIDE Day 1984 International year of lesbian and gay action"
A5 sheet single sided. SHRG August 1980
"ARE YOU GAY? NOT SURE? READ THIS! Hi, my name is Willie Waugh, and I intend to fight for the rights of young gays. I took note of one of the sentencesin SHRG's 'For Gay Kids' pamphlet@ 'If there isn't a group near you maybe you will be able to form one'. I did - I formed a group of gay kids from Edinburgh and started a Gay Youth Group which meets every second week
A4 folded double sided sheet. April 1991
THE LAW ON SEXUAL RELATIONS ... [a good summary of the law in 1991.]
In Statute law a "Homosexual act" applies only to men and means sodomy (anal intercourse) or an act of gross indecency (handling or sucking the man's genitals). It is not an offence if both parties consent to it, are 21 or over and in private.
A hotel romm is 'private' in Scotland but a locked toilet cubicle in not private. It is a defence for an older man (under the age of 24) to say he had reasonable cause to believe "that his partner had reached the age of 21" - but only for a 'first offence'.
The age of consent for lesbians in Scotland is 16.
Sir David Steel MP, our Honorary Vice President, has elicited the following information from the Secretary of State for Scotland:
YEAR 1988
(% of total)
(% of total)
Men aged 16-20 Sodomy - consenting
            - non-consenting
            - attempted
Gross Indecency
Other s.80 charges
6 (14%)
3 (10.7%)
Men aged 21+ Sodomy - consenting
            - non-consenting
            - attempted
Gross Indecency
Other s.80 charges
Total Convictions 57 56
Indecency is a common law offence (except gross indecency - see 1980 Act). By itself, indecency is not criminal but it may become so in certain circumstances. Apart from "shameless indecency", SHRG is not seeking any changes to indecency laws.

Indecent assault - more heavily punished if it is accompanied by indecent behaviour, e.g. touching the sexual organs without consent. Lewd, indecent and libidinous practices - covers indecency towards children of either gender below the age of puberty, and includes adults having sex in front of children. It is also an affence for a man or woman to use such practices towards a female between the ages of puberty and 16. Indecent exposure - exposure of the sexual organs calculated to outrage public decency. 'Breach of the peace' is an alternate charge. Breach of the peace - a catch-all common law in Scotland, also used to arrest gays holding hands and kissing in public, or hanging about public toilets. Shameless indecency - beware if you are charged with this criminal offence. This particulalry Scottish conduct covers, for example, the selling of display of soft porn magazines, showing sex videos, and consensual physical contact. Although it is not exactly clear what private or public conduact is prohibited as "shamelessly indecent", the authorities are more frequently using the provision against gay men. SHRG want this Judge-made law removed.
SHRG 'BUST CARD' ... outlines your rights and gives advice on what to do if you are detained or arrested.
A5  double sided sheet. March 1979/No. 2.1
* DONT make up a story to get out of it .
It is very easy for experienced police officers to catch you in a lie - and it will go badly for you in Court evidence. Best say nothing.
*DONT give any verbal statement, or sign any statement prepared for you. ...
*DONT believe any persuasive police who tell you that a confession means a lighter sentence with no publicity. ...
THE MOST DANGEROUS TIME is when you have been arrested and are in the cells overnight. You are alone and afraid of the consequences, the publicity. You are tempted to do anything, say anything which will get you the hell out of here. RESIST SUCH TEMPTATIONS.You have an absolute right to remain silent and not to way anything which may incriminate you. If you do stay silent you changes of a "not guilty" verdict are vastly increased.
CONSEQUENCES OF CONFESSION. The police may suggest that you will get a light fine and no publicity. THis is untrue. If  you are convicted ot , say, "gross indecency" you become a convicted sex offender. Details of your conviction go on Police Records. The Crown Office qutomatically informs you employer if you are in a "sensitivie" job (teaching, social work, nursing, civil service, etc). When you apply for a job, you may be required to state if you have been conviceted of a criminal offence. You will have to answer "yes". And specify "sex offender." ...
A5 pamphlet. 1st pub 1973. Second printing for "Men and Masculinity" by SWP Press, Edinburgh. © Don Milligan.
[back cover]
"Why this pamphlet is being reprinted.
... remains the basic socialist comment on how and why homosexual men and women are opressed ...




Loose items