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logo Glasgow Herald 1973: LGBT History Scotland
logo Glasgow Herald 1973: LGBT History Scotland

Glasgow Herald 1973

[Glasgow Corporation\] civic welcome for homosexuals GH 1973 Sep 11 13f;

A civic welcome on behalf of Glasgow Corporation by Baillie Mrs Janey Buchan to homosexuals from many parts of Scotland attending Scottish Minorities Group second annual conference in Woodside Halls, Glasgow on Saturday [?]. She & Councillor Robert Stewart , Glasgow, will be among speakers at it. Theme "The Homosexual in the Industrial Community.

"Robert Orr, conference organiser: "This is first time a public meeting has been held on homosexuality in the city." Other speakers were Rev. L David Levison, convener of CoS moral welfare committee; Neil Carmichael MP for Woodside; David Evans, sociology lecturer at Glasgow Uni.

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