GD467/1/3/31 Paisley Branch of SMG

Various papers of the branch – mainly minutes and a few Lambdas, the newsletter.

Details of what is in this file

Earliest paper a photocopy of letter: 5 Dec 1975

Lambdas - in separate files

Open Day 6 June, 1981 -
     Glasgow Herald Advert
     Open Day Success: Lambda No 6, July 1981

    GAY LIB! Lambda No ?, Oct 1981


Earliest paper a photocopy of letter: 5 Dec 1975
From SMG, National Office, 60 Broughton St., Edinburgh
Gordon Graham (lapsed member) [added in pen]
Dear Gordon,
Your letter dated 13 November [1975] to the National Chairman has been passed to me for action.
It has been decided that we should send out a special notice of the meeting to Paisley members only, provided that there are enough members who are willing to carry on. Can you let me know the number of paid up members of Paisley Branch who are willing to carry on? John Breslon mentioned in the passing that your renewal hadn't come in yet.
If sufficient people are still interested, I shall ask John to run off the notices and send them to you and I shall let you have some money for envelopes and postage.
Yours sincerely,
Jim Halcrow.

Letter: 7 March 1979,[ a carbon copy of the original]
From: National Secretary, 60 Broughton St., Edinburgh.
Dear Friends,
I have been asked by the National Executive Committee to write to you to say how pleased we are that you have established an informal gay group in Paisley. Let's hope that your welcome initiative is followed by SHRG members in other parts o Scotland, where there is no local branch.
The National Executive is very happy to allow you to use SHRG in your title, but in granting permission, we make two conditions. They are (1) that the National Executive is provided with a copy of any constitutional document or details which you bank requires of you when you open a bank account; and (2) that, if at any future date, members of the Paisley Group with the constitutional arrangements to be made more formal, the National Executive will then require a constitution in the lines of Section F of the National Constitution to be adopted.
I am sure that you will appreciate that while we are satisfied with the present situation, the National Executive has to take the long-term view and safeguard its position to protect the interests of our members in the future. Neither you nor we can tell how the Paisley Group will evolve.
May I wish you all the best, hope that the future which does evolve is a successful and happy one to the benefit of all homosexual people in Paisley.
Yours sincerely,
Colin Sinclair, National Secretary.

Additional papers not typed: on pink paper Agenda, Contact Person's Report, Financial Report

Present: SHRG National Executive Observers:-
M Crowe, Chairman National Executive
D Jago, Chairman Glasgow Branch
D Dawson
The number of members attending the meeting was 21. of which 11 were members of SHRG. Apologies were received from 4 members.
The meeting commenced at 2005.
Bill McConnachie apologised for the delay in starting the meeting. This was due to the fact that David Dawson (who had promised to get copies of the Agenda, financial statement/report photo-copied, had not arrived). Also David had promised to Chair the Meeting, if this was acceptable to the Members.

Malcolm Crowe and David Jago were introduced to the company. In the absence of David Dawson it was suggested that Malcolm Chair the Meeting. Malcolm agreed to do so.

The Chairman read out the Agenda and asked Bill McConnachie for a report on the progress of the Group. This was given and the Chairman asked for questions. As there were no questions the Chairman suggested that it be accepted.

The Chairman called for the Financial Report and Statement to be read out. This was done by Bill McConnachie. The Chairman asked if there were any questions. There were none.

Before going on to the main motion the Chairman pointed out that the decisions made at this Meeting would be binding on the Group and that nay funds on hand should be retained under the control and decision of the majority of the Members and no subsequent claims would be entertained by a minority of the Group.

The Chairman then called on Archie McCracken to propose his motion. Archie proposed: “That this group applies to become an official Branch of SHRG, as soon a possible”. The motion was seconded by Bob Wallace.

The Chairman asked if anyone was against the motion.

Derek Colville opposed the motion and submitted an amendment that we form a Paisley Gay Group. This was seconded by Jim Cameron.

Derek said “It was the minority of the Group who wished to join SHRG. Some members do not wish to join SHRG at the present time”.

Bill McConnachie replied: “Anyone who had a point to make, should make it on their own behalf”.

Jim Cameron then said the Meeting was announced as Members of SHRG only. “There must be many Members who had not come to the Meeting tonight because they were not Members of SHRG”. He asked why SHRG was in the Title of the Group as he had understood that the Group was known as the Paisley Gay Group. Malcolm Crowe explained that, in a letter from the National Executive, dated 7 March 1979, permission had been given to use SHRG in the title of the Group provided that the National Executive was given details of any constitutional document and if, at any future date, Members of the Paisley Group wished the constitutional arrangement to be made more formal, the National Executive would then require a constitution, in the lines of Section F of the National Constitution, to be adopted. The Chairman said: “As to the status of Members it was up to those present to decide what they wanted. Anyone who has been at previous meetings can vote tonight. It is the majority of those attending the Meeting who decide what happens to the Group”.

Derek, in support of his motion, stated “It is a small step instead of a large step. We prefer to be an informal Group. The SHRG Members here wish to break-away from the Paisley Gay Group”.

Jim Cameron objected by saying that there was nothing wrong with the present Group except that it had no formal constitution. He went onto declare: “The time is not right for forming a new Group”.

A vote was then taken on the amendment. It was overwhelmingly defeated.

Archie then said, in support of his motion: “It would be advantageous to the Members to have the back-up of SHRG, including the legal aspect”.

A vote was taken on the main motion which was carried by 16 votes to 4 with 11 SHRG members voting in favour and 1 voting against. Two letters were received by the Meeting, from SHRG Members who were unable to attend. Both indicated their agreement to forming a Branch of SHRG.

A Draft constitution was circulated and it was suggested we meet another time to discuss it fully. The Chairman said: “We are effectively calling an AGM”. It was then decided to hold the AGM on Wednesday 12 December, 1979.

Bill McConnachie asked for nominations for the Committee to be handed in as soon as possible.

The Chairman asked if there was any other business. There being none; he thanked everyone attending.

The Meeting expressed their thanks to Malcolm for attending at such short notice.

The Meeting closed at 2105.


Minutes of first Annual General Meeting held in AUEW House, Incle Street on Wednesday 12 December 1979.

The meeting commenced at 8 pm. It was suggested that a Chairman be elected. Bill McConnachie read the Agenda and proposed Malcolm Crowe be Chairman.

Malcolm asked if all were aware of the proposed constitution. Bill read the constitution and asked for amendments.

Malcolm told us that the National Executive Council will indicate which area this Branch will cover and went on to speak about NEC powers.

It was proposed that ten members or one-third of the membership, whichever is the less, shall constitute a Quorum. This was accepted by the meeting. It was then proposed that a majority of the Committee shall constitute a Quorum. This also was accepted.

Bill proposed that the constitution, as amended be accepted This was done.

The following members were proposed for the Committee and were elected unanimously:-

Bill McConnachie, Archie McCracken, Alex Stewart, Andy O'Donnell and Derek Colville.

It was agreed by the Members that the Financial Year should end on 31 October each year.

For enclosure with the March [1980] number of “Gay Scotland”  [Copy of  this from AF Archive]


A New Branch of S.H.R.G. Has been formed in Paisley, and the National Executive Committee has designated its geographical area as Renfrewshire and Ayrshire. As you are resident in this area, you are invited to become a member of the new Branch.

Meetings are held every Wednesday evening in A.U.E.W. House, 7 Incle Street, Paisley. Future meetings are as follows:

March 12: Talk by a speaker from the Socialist Party of Great Britain
March 19: Bingo Night
March 26: Coffee and Chat
April 2: Talk by Paul Brownsey, Editor of “Gay Scotland.”
     [dates fit 1980]

New members would be made most welcome. Volunteers are needed to assist in helping to organise meetings and outings, and in many other ways.

Changing your Branch would have no effect on the meetings of either the Paisley or the Glasgow Branch that you are able to attend, and, just as at present, you would have free access to the Glasgow Gay Centre. But it means that you would have voting rights in Paisley instead of in Glasgow, would be eligible for election to the Paisley Branch Committee, and would be able to participate in strengthening what is still a very new section of the national organisation.

We therefore urge you to think seriously about whether you should make this change.

Should you wish to designate Paisley and District Branch as your own Branch, please complete the attached coupon [not incuded here] and return it to:

The Secretary,
Paisley and District Branch,
Scottish Homosexual Rights Group,
c/o A.U.E.W. House,
7 Incle Street,

David Jago,
National Convener.

Bill McConnachie,
Paisley and District Branch.

Letter from David Jago 13 June 1981, to Editor, Paisley Daily Express, re fair coverage  on June 8, 1981 of the Open Day marking the start of Renfrewshire and Ayrshire Gay Switchboard, and how grateful we are to Councilor Irene Gilgallon and the Rev. Johnstone McKay for their generous support. [Attached to LAMBDA No 6 July-August [1981]]

The two so-called Christian correspondents, who wrote in such angry terms on June 12th, want to condemn their fellow-men, not for what they do, but what they are for the way they are made--a profoundly unChristian attitude. The Switchboard exists to help those who are, and always have been, homosexual; it is not concerned with those who,althouh by nature heterosexual, turn to intercourse with their own sex just for kicks (which is what St. Paul is talking about in his Epistle to the Romans.)

Finally, I should like to point out that it is the gay publicity an who has his name and photograph appear on your front-page, whereas the two hostile correspondents both choose to remain anonymous. So which side is it that has the courage of its convictions, and dares stand up and be counted.

Yours sincerely, David Jago.