SHRG Paisley & District Branch |
p1 GAY LIB! |
p2 Now, in 1981, SHRG may yet let history repeat itself, by stifling their local branches of income, thus forcing them into a spiral of decline. Edinburgh SHRG, appear to be in serious danger of losing their premises at Broughton St. due to financial pressure. Glasgow Branch seem so content to wallow in the success of the new club that they have allowed the once exalted centre to deteriorate into a 'One May and his Record Player' Disco on Saturday nights. (All credit to Eddy et al who struggle on...) Rural Branches face bankruptcy in attempting to pay for ambitious rural befriending schemes which are as costly as they are necessary. All this might be excusable if SHRG was busy running expensive publicity campaigns or political lobbying. Unless SHRG decides to support and build up the branches of the organisation, so that they might provide local bases for Gay action, we shall soon end up with a moribund centralist organisation serving only the Cities. What is needed is a re-allocation of finances and more effort from the NEC in respect of their local branches. Allan Donnell Diary of Events 14 Oct - Coming Out, ... Dare
we do it? Stewart S leads a talk on a fraughful decision
all of us must make. |
BACK PAGE "Assurances on Gay Rights must be sought before entering any arrangements with the SDP" (Leicester Delegate). + + + GAY OUTINGS GROUP . . . meet outside Highlanders Institute
2nd Sat. every month + + + COMMITEE CHANGES after AGM, Paisley group now has a womon on C'tee. Full details of AGM in next issue of LAMBDA + + + + + + DESIGN A POSTER - WIN A PRIZE! Renfrewshire & Ayrshire Gay Switchboard need a poster to advertise its services. It must be eye-catching, readable, and cheap to print (2 colours). Hand posters to any C'tee member at Wed. Meetings. COMPETITITION CLOSES NOV. 3rd! ! |