GD467/1/1/3:GD467/1/1/3 Scottish Minorities Group: Early Meetings and Discussion Papers
Index of Items in this file |
About 1.5 cm think of loose pages |
Copies of letters re first meetings to discuss the position of the homosexual in Scotland: most of these have bee transcribed or commented on elsewhere. |
Minutes of 16 July 1969 meeting held at 4 Moray Place, Glasgow and its continuation in Edinburgh on 22 August, 1969 at The Mound Centre, Edinburgh. |
Scatter Map of SMG membership dated 1/8/69. It shows 14 members plus 2 now in England and 7 liaisons plus 4 outside Scotland. See the 1970 altered version of this: follow link on the page to map. |
Handwritten note of extract from letter from Allan Horsfall, Secretary of Esquire Clubs Limited to Jim Halcrowe. Undated. 18 June 1968: He says that the Scottish law will have to be changed before it is possible to set up clubs there & suggests early move to set up a Scottish Law Reform Committee. 19 Aug 1968: AH refers to JH having expressed willingness to help set up a Scottish Committee. AH is in touch with some other people including a solicitor in Glasgow. Also the chairman of this Committee and of Esquire Clubs Ltd, "who is also a Scot", will be taking up a new lecturing post in Glasgow in the early autumn and would be an asset to a Scottish Committee. [He is referring to Colin Harvey.] AH offers to exchange addresses. Attached to above is a list of members who joined at the 9 May [1969] meeting: there are 13 listed, four only by first name. |
Discussion document 28 June, 1970 on All-Purpose Centres under topics 1. Casework & counseling, 2. Educational, Recreational & cultural, & 4. Social: this include discussion of "the emotive subject of clubs & notes "We must put on record our appreciation of the good offices of Allan Horsefall, Secretary of Esquire Clubs, without which SMG would not have been founded.. |
Dear Group member letter dated 3 August, 1970 |
Information to all Group members 3 September, 1970 |
Newsletter 18 September, 1970 |
Report on Secretary's London visit & Current SMG Developments dated 7 April 1970 |
Report of Meeting held on 21 November, 1970 held at 163 Mugdock Road, Milngavie, Glasgow (not at the Tom Allan Centre as previously announced). |
Information about the Scottish Minorities Group. ... a series of meeting to discuss "the position of the homosexual in Scotland", led to the formation of SMG in May 1969. Lists aims & what the group has done so far. Undated [probably early 1970]. |
First report of a meeting called in the name of the Scottish Minorities Group dated 23/8/1969 |