GD467/1/3/2  Aberdeen Not in National Archives of Scotland

SMiG Issue No 1 Feb-Mar [1972] A monthly broadsheet from SMG Aberdeen
EDITORIAL! "SMi.G." is an attempt to establish a regular publication of some sort by SMG Aberdeen. No 1 is admittedly a somewhat amateurish - but it was done by one person with limited resources and time, and at least it's a  start. We would like to extend the content and format of future issues, but this depends on some response from you. - So please help. There are lots of possibilities. eg., a regular cartoon character; a letters page; an ads section; a "Dear Aunty Para..." column! and so on. Please send any ideas, contributions, comments, etc,.to one of SMG committee members (addresses had on request!)
Proceeds from our disco on 17 March and the Competition opposite, are to go to the Gay News Fighting Fund. So far, over £4,500 has been raised, but they will need a lot more. So if you can make a donation, please sent it to "GN Fighting Fund", Gay News, 1A Normand Gardens, Greyhound Road, London W14 9SB.
P.S. If anyone would like to form a musical group of some sort (eg rock, fold, jazz, etc,) then please see the SMG sec.




SMiG Issue No 2 Mar-May [1972] A monthly broadsheet from SMG Aberdeen




SMiG Issue No 3 Apr-Jun [1972] SMG Aberdeen



Link April 1973 SMG Aberdeen