1. First attempt to form a Branch here [Aberdeen] by R.K.[sic] in Jan. 1971.
2. I was only member at first, so reluctantly accepted the fact that I would have to proceed, contacte?? RK. Ist meeting convened in Nov 1971. Small attendance - grew to about 12. We had mainly policy meetings then, but had a few social outings and parties. We had Mac Sutherland as our first guest. The psychiatric profession are ignorant of the social aspect of H.
3. Meeting were in abeyance for March till recently. We have to thank R. for her generous offer of her flat for meetings.
4. We have had discussions with University chaplain, Ab.[erdeen] Ass. of Soc.[ial] Service, Prof Millar [Prof of Psychiatry, Aberdeen University.]
5. R ???? to all minutes - sore very interesting replies, mostly ??? to be ?????????, very few ???? against.
6. We have had articles in Gaudie [Aberdeen University Student paper] - but surprisingly few respondents.
7. C??? was following up report of court cases and police harassment but we don't know what progress she made, if any.
8. One of the biggest events was Deporter. The full ramifications of this have yet to be felt. Ian Dunn succeeded to sore? start in what he set out to do - to stir things up in Aberdeen.
9. A student society in progress of formation.
10. Finally, I feel that our next 6 months to 1 year are going to be crucial. With 20 or so members I feel that we have just passed the hurdle of numbers - we have reached critical mass, and we shall grow from now on. Things are happening right now in Aberdeen, and most must make hay while the sun shines. It is important not to loose the opportunities which are at our doorstep.
It is my personal wish to see a group which is strong and can command the respect of the people of Aberdeen, and yet which is friendly and welcoming to its members.