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logo Glasgow Herald 1972: LGBT History Scotland#
logo Glasgow Herald 1972: LGBT History Scotland#

Glasgow Herald 1972

Chaplain urges "forgiving" view of homosexuals; GH 1972 Jan 24 3g;

"A plea for Christians to show forgiving love towards extra-marital relationships which were stable , and also towards homosexuality, was made last night by Father Anthony Ross, Roman Catholic chaplain at Edinburgh University and vice chairman of the Parole Board for Scotland. …​ Father Ross said that some parts of the Churvh had shrunk away from facing the fact that the body was as much God-given as thesoul. When we were told that the whole of creatrion appeared to God as very good, that included the body and all its functions, cincluding the sexual function."

Dr Morris [of Glasgow Cathedral during Easter Sermon] hits at Liberals' view on homosexuality GH 1972 Apr 3 3a;

Commented on: Young Liberal welcoming dancing between members of the same sex at their social functions. Wolflenden Report argued for homosexuality to be regarded as illness, the Young Liberals move is a stage further.

Is homosexuality an illness? GH 1972 Apr 6 8c C;

April 3, 1972

Letter from John Breslin, Secretary, Scottish Minorities Group, 214 Clyde Street,

The Rev. Dr. Morris is reported in your issue of today as resurrecting the disputed view that homosexuality is an illness rather than a natural phenomenon.

... General Assembly of the Church of Scotland made the great step forward of accepting homosexuality as an illness rather than a sin in itself. It is now time that the Church was courageous enough to face the full truth that homosexuality exists as a phenomenon of nature.

The Scottish Minorities Group representing the homosexual men and women of Scotland, do not insist, as Dr. Morris mistakenly says, that "we must all do it." They merely ask for the tolerance that has long been extended to Church Woman’s Guilds and Mothers' Unions where it is perfectly acceptable for women to dance with women.

The Young Liberal have been courageous enough not to ask for general licence but simply that men and women should be free to dance with a partner , any partner, of their own choosing. The decision that men and women should be free to dance with any partner of their choosing appears revolutionary only because of preconceived prejudice, not because it offends nature. The Scottish Minorities Group are pressing our Scottish Member of Parliament to secure at least the extension of the provisions of the Sexual Offences Act of 1967 to Scotland. Scotland to its shame is one of the few European countries whose statues still enable any expressions of homosexuality to be labelled criminal.

Teach-in on homosexuality proposed , GH 1972 Oct 12, 16h; No google editions available, found in microfilm.

A teach-in on homosexuality is to be held at Edinburgh University in March 8, 1972.

Dr. Michael Coulson, of the department of Sanskrit at Edinburgh University, said that it is being held to try to educate the general public and students about homosexuality.

"The impulse for holding it came from a fourth-year student at Heriot-Watt University and myself. We are both homosexuals."

Mr. Nicholas Fairbairn, Q.C., and Professor G. M. Carstairs, of the department of psychiatry, will be among the speakers.

It is an official university event and the organising committee include representatives of staff and students at Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt universities.

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