NAS GD467/6/1 1978: Click on thumbnail to see big image.
1978/1 January
(Source: AF Archive)
(Source: AF Archive)
1978/3 March
(Source: AF Archive)
1978/4 April
(Source: AF Archive)
1978/5 May
(Source: AF Archive)
1978/6 June
(Source: AF Archive)
1978/7 July/ August
(Source: AF Archive)
1978/9 September SMG News
(Source: AF Archive)
Gay people should apply to become members of Children's Panels so that they can educate and influence Panel attitudes towards homosexuality. This was one of the points made by David Watson, chairman of the members of one of Glasgow's Children's Panels, when he spoke to SMG Glasgow recently. He said press adverts to recuit Panel mebers appeared in the autumn, and he urged SMG members to apply. Applicant were not asked if they were gay, he said. Dr Watson, who lectures in moral philosophy at Glasgow University, accepted an invitation from SMG News to contribute an article on the subject. He writes: The new system of juvenile justice in Scotland is no longer new and it seems to me that members and friends of SMG should give it more attention. The first reason is simply that a child or young person under 16, or under 18 if already 'on supervision', may be referred to a Children's hearing as 'being in need of compulsory measures of care' for reasons such as that 'he is beyond the control of his parent', 'he is falling into bad associations or is exposed to moral danger' and that 'he has committed an offence'. Of these 'grounds of referral', as they are called, the third mentioned is of obvious reference to homosexualts, fven the present state of Scottish law. The other two are also important because their interpretation depends heavily upon the moral attitudes of members of the Hearing responsible for the decisionin respect of the child appearing before them. If members regard homosexua activity to be reasonable, or such reltationships to manifest bad associations or moral danger, then restrictions on such relationships will be imposed as compultary 'care'. As far as I have been able to discover, in Strathclyde at least, homosexual relationships come the the attention to Hearings only as features of cases of prostitution or illicit carnal knowledge, that is, where the fact that the relationship is homosexual is not decisive. But perhaps this needs further investigation. My point here is not that the new system is particularly, harsh on homosexuals. It is rather that because of the phrasbg if sine 'grounds referral', its operation depends upon the moral attitudes of Hearing members. And from this flows my second reason for saying that the system should receive more of your attention. Those selected to serve as members of Children's Hearings are laymen chosen partly because they possess suitable skills and personal attributes, and partly to yield a cross-section of the community. Neither criterion favours homosexuals. If homosexuals are prepared to serve the community as members of the Hearings system, they will be better placed to influence and educate the moral attitudes displayed in the ways in which it deals with children. Perhaps most important of all, you may further establish you full citizenship by serving you community yourself. Note: a useful source of information on the system is F. Martin and K. Murray (eds.), Children's Hearings, Scottish Academic Press, 1976. The relevant Act is the Social Work (Scotland) Act, 1968, part 3, published by H.M.S.O. |
p3 | SMG NEWS BECOMES GAY SCOTLAND. When SMG becomes the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group, SMG News will become Gay Scotland
. It is hoped that this will please the many people who wanted but
failed to get the word "gay" in the Group's name. Other suggestions
included "Gays Out" from Bob Orr and "The Gay Scot" from Michael
Foreman, but informal soundings suggested "Gay Scotland" would be
popular and SMG's National Executive Committee has now decided for that
name. Keith Adamson is designing a new cover page. |
1978/10 October
(Source: AF Archive)
1978/11 November Gay Scotland ISBN 0142-0313
p1 | First edition with new name Gay Scotland |
p3 | FROM THE GRANITE CITY comes Gay Granite, a most impressive magazine for gay people in Aberdeen. Produced by Aberdeen University Gaysoc with the participation of all the city's gay groups, it has plenty to interest both the newcomer to the gay world and those whose coming out began many moons ago. This reader was especially engrossed and moved by articles by two lesbians on on-monogamous relationships - articles in which the writers sought to explore and describe their own coming-to-terms with a situation in which each was one of the three persons in a triangular relationship. Another article remarks on the fragmentation of the organized gay community in Aberdeen - the city has a Gay Switchboard and a Lesbian Group both outwith SHRG, a University Gaysoc and a branch of the Gay Activists Alliance, and SHRG too. "We are all gay and should be united", the writer concludes. You can get Gay Granite (no price on it) from Gaysoc, c/o The University Union, Upperkirkgate, Aberdeen. PAUL BROWNSEY |
1978/12 December
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