NAS GD467/6/1 1973:

1973/1 January


1973/2 February


1973/3 March


1973/3 [4]April
“3” duplicated


1973/5 May

1973/6 June

1973/7 July

1973/8 August

1973/9 September

1973/10 October

1973/11 November

1973/12 December



 All above in box

1973 SMG News published from 214 Clyde St, Glasgow, C1.

1973/1 January

Chairman's report. Ian Dunn has left the executive, but still contributing to Gay Scotland. "This change is symptomatic of the shift from the days when Ian was SMG or at least identified as being SMG

Glasgow Branch SMG: John Wallace: Chair, Bob Orr: Deputy Chair, Hugh Martin: Treasurer, Alastair Cameron: Secretary.

Feb 12 Newly formed Edinburgh Students Group. Venu: South Faculty Room, David Hume Tower, George Sq., Edinburgh

AGM of Edinburgh Social Club at Cobweb, 23 George Sq, Edinburgh. 3 Feb, 1973.
Cobweb club overcrowded, Edinburgh branch decided some weeks ago to get own premises.
Committee of managment resigning beecause of bad behaviour of clients. Club will close unless a new committee comes forward. (p2,6)

SMG Dundee next meeting Mon 5 Feb,
"Touch" Organisation asked SMG Dundee for article for their publication

Guardian, Scotsman, Edinburgh Evening News announced publication of SMG's Sexual Offences (Scotland) Bill.

1973/2 February

Crown Office policy “not to take proceedings when cases are brought to its notice of homosexual acts between consenting adults in private.”
No reason to fear reporting blackmail or robbery.

Stats: Jan 13 new full members, 4 student. 5 renewed sub. = 22. Numbers of members halving.

ABERDEEN DEBATE: at University Debater. On Scottish law reform. Charlotte Barry of Debater committtee said “ At the moment, here in Aberdeen, certain dedicated indiviuals are hoping to found a local Gay Lib group. The general feeling of the local polulace is one of intolerance. We think a Debate/Teach-In might help us guage the extent of the 'opposition', and enable the gay point of view to get an airing in public. Ian Dunn has agreed to go to Aberdeen and will be a major speaker. The local SMG group has met a wall of opposition and apathy in their efforts to improve the social conditions for homosexuals in Aberdeen. Ian Dunn's contribution to the debate will challenge this state of affairs and will publicise the shortcomings in Aberdeen. It is hoped that Jean and Rosemary (local SMG members) will have succeeded in interesting the PRESS & JOURNAL in an SMG article which they composed. All SMG members in the area are strongly urged to attent the Debats.

SMG meets SMG (Socialist Medical Group) in Edinburgh. Dr Whitelaw, a clinical psychologist, described various forms of aversion therapy – the 'classical', the 'anticipatory avoidance' and the 'punishment training'. Particularly revolting was the use of electric shock to ihibit erection produced by pictures of attractive males.

1973/3 March

MEMBERSHIP: 37 new members, + 10 renewals plus 4 late from Jan makes 51.

GLASGOW PROGRAM: Hugo Gifford, Director of Strathclyde Theatre Group talks to SMG Glasgow, 214 Clyde St.

ABERDEEN PROGRAMME: Wed 8.00pm, the “Sheiling”, Dee St.
Mon 26. At Denis's, 22 Ferryhill PL: Margareta Hlmstedt on Scandinavion Life and Leisure – speaker already acclaimed by Glasgow & Edinburgh.

DUNDEE – not much or a programme, more a way of life?

EUGG Edinburgh Uni Gay Group Inaugural meeting 12 Feb David Hume Tower.

WOMEN – start here next time