NAS GD467/6/1 1972:

1972/01 No 1/72

No 1/72 not in file


1972/02 No 2/72

SMG News Feb 1971 No 2/72
Report of annual weekend Conference at Seamill Hydro, West Kilbride, 29-30 Jan 1972 by Ian Dunn. SMG was invited to send a membe “and a friend” ... theme “Minority Groups and the Community”. [Ian was accompanied by Marion Bowles] ... socially a success ... Although SMG had been assured ten minutes at the end of the Sunday session to present a prepared paper to the Conference the Chairman decided that other minorities in Scotland were “not relevant to our discussions”. It was too much. I rose to protest at this unwarranted muzzling. This was the first occasion in Scotland of a homosexuals group making its voice heard (firmly and with civility) at a “professional” conference.

p5 NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS (SCOTTISH REGION) At the Annual Scottish Conference of NUS in Edinburgh held on 4/5 February [1972] Heriot-Watt Universityh moved "That this conference notes the continuing social and legal inequalities of the homosexual in Scotland and supports the Scottish Council fo Civil Liberties and the Scottish Minorities Group in their present efforts towards sound legal reform and for an early removal of remaining discrimination." Danny Mullen (Deputy Chairman of SMG) introduced the motion, THere were some excellent  and lively speeches in favour, especially from Fional Smith (Telford College, Edinburgh) and Fraser Grigor (Strathclyde University). Ian Dunn for Heriot-Watt summed up. There was tremendous applause when the motion was carried with only one abstention. Danny intends to introduce a similar motion at the NUS National Conference in Birmingham in April.

LAW REFORM It is too early yet for a full evaluation of the reaction of the Scottish Members of Parliament to the SMG/SCCL Memorandum. Initial response would seem to indicate that our Members of Parliament on the whole consider that the homosexual male in Scotland has little to gain from a change in the present law since any "anti" statutes are more or less dormant. Replies are still with the Scottish Council for Civil Liberties. As soon as our Law Reform Committee has had time to consider these fully a more specific analysis will be published for the information of members.

ATTO DI RIFORME SESSUALI - This proposed "Sexaul Reform BIll" comes from Leslie, and SMG member from the United States, who is at present touring the COntinent and may from time to time send us his thoughts on Europe:

Look at this and next article. 27 Feb 2006: law reform references searched up to this issue.



1972/03 No 3/72

It was on the Fifth of August/ The weather fine and fair/ Unto Brigg Fair I did repair/ For love I was inclined.
This quotation from a Lincolnshire folk-song (beautifully orchestrated by Frederick Delius in his Rhapsody “Brigg Fair”) is by way of a preliminary announcement of the SMG OPEN CONFERENCE 1972 in Edinburgh.




Not in file: if it ever existed.

Clyde St Tuesdays:
April 1977 SMTG News
26 April “Come and see how the presises are shaping up” S.St.