NAS GD467/6/1 1971 SMGNews
1971/01No 1 January 1971 SMG News [in foolscap] 5 PUBLICITY: Chairman has made a recording for BBC1 (Scotland) to be part of a TV programme to be called “PULSE..... Permissive Society”. Ian Dunns interview wil form part of the preliminary part of the programme which will be followed by a studio discussion in which the Group will be represented.[See No 2 – postponed] 7 BURNS NIGHT A Burns Supper has been arranged for SMG
members and their friends in the Maitland Hotel, Shandwick Place,
Edinburgh for Saturday 23 January 1971. Time - 7.30 for 8pm.
----------------------------------- BRUCE BRIGGS OFFICIAL ADDRESS
(Correspondence only) |
1971/03 No 2 SMG News [first in A4 format] March 1971 1 PROGLOGUE: NO PLATONIQUE LOVE – William
Cartwright (1611-43) 3 Membership rising fast but no figures.
Letters to Scotsman about abortive attempt to open gay
club at Strathclyde Uni.
The facts about the “Gay Club” at Strathclyde are that the organiser with the permission of the President of the Union put up two posters advertising the proposed meeting which was to take place in the “ARK” belonging to the R. C. chaplaincy. These were removed by protesting students. Not that they were opposed to the formation of a group as such. Mistakenly, they were concerned to protect the chaplain, Father Columba Ryan, from possible attack. As often happens, the Press capitalised on the few available facts. This sensationalised publicity persuaded the University that it was in its best interests to cancel the meeting. Father Ryan himself was present at the January meeting of SMG in Glasgow. He gave a full and frank account of the sequence of events leading up to the cancellation of the meeting. He remains sympathetic to the original aim of the project. This, though necessarily delayed, is by no means abandoned. It is, in fact, already under weigh. If you are in contact with interested students in the Glasgow area, do ask the Secretary for details of the most recent developments in this sphere. 7. PUBLICATIONS One good result of the foregoing was that TELEGRAPH, the Strathclyde University paper, published several letters on the subject. It also carried a lengthy article featuring SMG. Other magazines which have published similar articles are: PRESS-UPS, THE WORD, STUDENT. This last provoked a short report in the DAILY EXPRESS - which had not printed our reply to its “Strathclyde Sensation” report! - but only in the Edinburgh edition. For once the report was factual and not sensationalised. Are we perhaps becoming non-news?!!! to stop Strathclyde Uni Gay Soc and sensational reporting in the Daily Express. The Strathclyde Uni Telegraph produced a good summary which is noted elsewhere and the Scotsman and Glasgow Herald [23 Jan 1971]published letters from SMG.
Enclosure with SMG News No 2 March, 1971 |
Letter from the Secretary of Scottish Minorities to the Editor of the Glasgow Herald and published under the headline MINORITY RIGHTS FOR HOMOSEXUALS on 23 January 1971. Sir, January 20, 1971 The abortive attempt to hold an open meeting to discuss a club for homosexuals in the Univerity of Strathclyde requires comment since your report mentions the “existence of a pressure group”. This may readily and mistakenly be interpreted by uninformed readers as referring to the Scottish Minorities Group. [Full text from Glasgow Herald] Bruce Briggs, Secretary, SMG |
Letter from Secretary of Scottish Minorities Group to the Editor of the Scotsman and published on January 1971 [no day given]. Sir, January 20, 1971 It is unfortunate that in your report [no date given] of the projected homosexual club at the University of Strathclyde undue prominence was given to the statement that “such a club would attract the wrong type of person.” [4 paras follow on aims of SMG not directly related to gaysoc.] |
May 1971 No4/71 SMG News |
Ian Dunn, Chairman received invitation to a Youth Reception on
the command of the Lord High Commissioner and the Lady Clydesmuir
which is to be held on the occasion of the General Assembly of
the Church of Scotland, Holyroodhouse Palce on evening of Mon 24
May 1971. “The formation of the Gay Liberation Front in Edinburgh was well reported in the Student Press there - “Student” and “Omega”. Six SMG members attended the inaugural meeting. This ensured that the differences between SMG and GLF were clearly outlined. The meeting was left in no doubt that although the goals of both groups are broadly similar our tactics are different. The general impression was that the reputation of SMG had been dehanced, and our relations with the Gay Liberation Front remain cordial.” COBWEB continues to
flourish. Entry free to members, who can sign in up to
2 guests, others must take out day membership, a great
source of income for SMG. Membership March 14, April 26
new. |
1971/08 No 6 |
No 6. No issue produced in July 1971. p3
1971/09 No 7 |
SMG News No 7 Sep 1971 “GLASGOW MEETING While the weekly 'get togethers' continue to be held on Tuesdays at 184 Swinton Road, Baillieston Friday 17 September at 8pm is the official monthly meeting in 214 Clyde Street. Ian Dunn has agreed to speak on his recent tour of the North American scene. ... not restriced to SMG members, friends and interested parties are very welcome. So invite a friend along. Who know? He [sic!] may develop an interest in the Group. Recruiting continues to increase steadily and personal contact with SMG members is the most fruitful source of this recruitment.” BRUCE BRIGGS [Noted as resigning from Executive Committee due to pressure of work and a letter of great appreciation was sent.] BRUCE AGAIN His opinion article [not typed out yet] which was so vehemently attacked by Bob Mellers in the last month's SMG NEWS continues to attract controversy. Frank Rice, secretary of the 1971 Group at Strathclyde University interrupted a stay in London to write: “I should like to write expressing profound disagreement with the views expressed by Mr Mellors in the August edition of SMG NEWS. “I would suggest firstly that Mr Mellorts requires a lesson in argument. In his paragraoh on 'love and sex', he telltion Bruce Griggs that is is 'very dangerous' to 'lay down laws of what people ought to do.' .... “The real danger of this letter however lies in its reference to child molestation .... A THOUGHT
E.S. Lofthouse, Nottingham M.A.S. These somewhat cryptic initials herald the formation of Minorities Association (Scotland) Limited. The object was to set up under the Companies Act of 1948 a company limited by guarantee to own any property acquired for use of SMG. All we need now is the capital to acquire some property. For the company is now registered and in existence. Membership pf the Minorities Association is by subscription. Further details and requests for membership tp Jim Halcrow, 15 Rossie Place, Edinburgh EH2 5SE. |
1971/10 No 8 |
SMG News No 8 Oct 1971 BBC SCOTLAND Reference has already been mad to Andrew Hood's excellent essay Scotlsman 23 Sep 1971... has been lying unpublished since March ... until recently when publicity on the Festival Club and Edinburgh's Carlton Hill prompted its publication. ... Ian Dunn letter “Homosexual Law” printed [Scotsman?] 4 Oct [1971] led to a live broadcast by Ian on BBC Radio 4 (Scotland) on Twelve Noon. DUNDEE STUDENTS
FAYRE Once again Dundee displays initiative with an SMG Stall
at the annual Students Fayre which opens the University
of Dundee's academic year. John Breslin was invited to
Dundee for the occasion where he assisted Ralph Denney and Roy Bailey
to distribute literature on SMG to over 150 students
who passed by their stall. It was a most satisfactory afternoon's
work. CONTROVERSY p2 Bob mellors repies to Frank Rice
ABERDEEN More expansion: Denis Wilson is taking the first steps towards starting a branch in Aberdeen. If you can help, please get in touch with him soon. ST ANDREWS Eddie Clarke has already taken initial steps to form an SMG unit at the University. This issue carries a lengthy letter from Eddie which shows Eddie's passionate concern for an adequate homosexual life-style. His drive should ensure the success of the St Andrews venture. STRATHCLYDE The 1971 Group have had their inaugural meeting for the new academic year at the University. They hope soon to recruit enought new members to replace those who left the Group and the University during the summer. Their secretary, Frank Rice, also in this issues continues the tradition of the university as a place for the men of “letters”.! GLASGOW ... an Interim Committee is organising the Glasgow
area of SMG. ...local elections at meeting 17 Dec following [SMG]
1971 No 10 [Not in file. Did it ever exist?] |
1971 No 11 |
1971 No 12 |