GS467/4/36 1976-77 SMG: Edinburgh branch: Ian Dunn correspondence file

Letters to Ian

Letters re Edinburgh SocialWork Dept

Mainly about SMG Edinburgh branch business with one exception:

Letter to Quentin Crisp from Ian Dunn. Dated only Saturday 11th. Which month and year? Foolscap.


Reply from Quentin Crisp to Ian Dunn [undated]

letter Quentin Crisp to Ian Dunn

Letter head is Caledonian Hotel, Edinburgh but typewritten in New York, probably. Undated. Small letter size. Text reads:

"I'm not really still there, dear Mr. Dunn, as this writing paper might lead you to suppost. I'm back in real life but I'm writing to you to expiate my guilt. I knew I was sinning when I flatly refused to go to your discotheque but I became so tired that I simply couldn't go on.
I've told everyone in England that Edinburgh is a city relentlessly devoted to frivolity. They find this hard to believe but I witnessed it with my own two eyes.
Comment me to everybody that you meet...
Yours sincerely, [signed] Quentin Crisp.
Yesterday I was visited by the ex-mayor of New York. We are bound to rule the world in the end."