GD467/3/2/33 Club Debentures

SHRG (Glasgow) Club

Issue of Debenture Stock 1984-1986

Date [varies after] 1st June 1981            Certificate No: 1

THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT Fifty (50) units of £10.00
Debenture Stock have been issued to
Peter Foley, 112 Prospect hill Circus, Glasgow G42 0LW

Interest will be paid by the Club on Lammas Day and Candlemas
Day in each year until redemption, at a rate equal to Bank of
England Minimum Lending Rate obtaining on each Quarter Day for
the following quarter.

The stock matures and will be redeemed by the Club between
three and five years from the above date.

Issued on behalf of the Club:
The Club must be informed of any transfer of the above stock.
Quarter Days: Candlemas - 2 Feb; Whitsunday - 15 May;
                      Lammas -      1 Aug; Martinmas  - 11 Nov.


There is a note of transfer of Foleys stock to James P Goodall: refers to Certificate No 1 for £500, and No 6 for £1000 - a copy both the transfer notes is in the file..

These items would make a good display if we got agreement of the person to show them.