GD467/3/2/14 1978 SMG/SHRG: Glasgow branch: miscellaneous (comm. papers etc.)
53rd 20/4/1981 Present David Dawson (in chair), Ken Cowan, Malcolm Crowe, Richard Durk, Harry Meechan, Gus Morrison. In attend. Allan Wishart, Peter MacIntyre.
C/81/206 Treasurer's Report Richard reported bank loans would now go down to £16000, which as well covered, but the Bank would have a duty to general creditors not to allow their position ot get worse. If things went on as at present, even with income levels of £1500 per week, the overdraft would rise by £12000-£15000 in the period t August. But the reality was that in the last twoo weeks, with Bennetts open at weekends, the gross income had dropped to £600-£500. Wages costs were presently £1000 per month. If we saved all wages costs, took in the £6000 from the sale of the Centre, and £1500 from National, it would only prevent the overdraft from rising if income retuned to £1500 per week.
The weekly costs were: £80 loan interest, £12 overdraft interest, £6 debenture interest,  £105 rates, £115 electricity, £20 insurance, £10 telephone, £6 admin, £40 repairs etc., £20 cleaning, £26 disco (wages/records), £10 publicity,  £10 stockbrokers,  £37 gaming machines (licenses/rentals), £17 TV & VCR, £27 other leasing costs, and wages; also capital repayment of £88 per week. The total (excluding wages) was £639. But in the last two weeks, before wages, the net bar income had been £140, and net door income £150. There had also been wages, and £175 additional costs.
In addition to this income shortage, trade creditors stood at £14,000, and he felt there was a likelihood that these would not be paid.
Allan pointed to the positive aspects of the last few weeks, with the Club regaining its licence, Gay Scotand's success, Bennett's move. Noted that Cinders and Manhattans had closed (the latter for redecoration).
Options were mainly (a) to stay open, (b) to close. Malcolm pointed out that the creditors of £14,000 would require somehow to be paid, and the Ctee. agreed with him that notice of winding up should go out with the next mailing (for the Club's AGM at end May), as one of several options.
C/81/207 Noted that closing the doors of the Club would save only £115 per week. Agreed therefore to retain the Club open at weekends only on a voluntary basis. Agreed to have TV set taken away, but keep VCR & 1 gaming machine. One stock check before we move to a voluntary basis. GGAS offered to serve coffee etc in coffee lounge. Staff to be paid off and stocks secured at night. All Ctee to report for duty on Friday at 8pm.
C/81/208 Theft of Safe: Richard reporte that between 7pm on Monday 12 and 12 noon on Tuesday 13 April the safe was stolen, includiiing £506. Richard called police, who were suspicious that it was an internal job.
Next meeting 27/4/1982. [Did this ever take place?]

QC Club Manag. Committee minutes

6 Oct 1981 7.30pm in Club (37th meeting )
Nomination of Office bearers; Till reading –some inconsistencies hinted at; AGM recommendations- sound-proofing; Door rota; Managers report; Bistro- the future to be considered sub Tim Redman (chair), David Gallacher, Tom Gillies.

Meetings 36th;
35   Petition regarding financial mis management. Harry, Malcolm & Richard to meet.
Meetings: 34, 33, 8

27th. 23 June 1981

"80/MC/441 Licensing: Malcolm reported that the application for a fourth late license on a Sunday had been refused. Only two councillors had supported even one hour extra (to midnight). Mrs Smith had appeared in person, and had complained about noise of people leaving, slamming car doors, calling to each other, blowing horns. This had been denied by us, and the Chief Constable gave evidence (in person) that he felt we were leaving quietly enough. There had also been objections by building control, though they had telephoned to say all was fixed.

Malcolm recommended that the DJ remind people to be quiet when leaving, and that asking people to clear the premises at 2.15 only made disturbance outside more likely: people should be allowed to drifr out slowly (but before 3am). These were agreed - for the purpose of clearing glasses it is preferable to ask people to leave the bar, but they could linger in other parts of the Club."

"80/MC/444 Sunday Afternoon Volunatry Help:Peter reported that the last two Sundays had produced nobody apart from Ctee. Sec reported difficulties in writing to thatnk George Petrie (PS it turns out he is called George McClung not Petrie, hence problems. Peter recommended the voluntary workdays be discontinued."

24, 21,
Minutes of General Meeting 15/4/1981 [23rd]
Election to Managment Committee:
Continuing to serve: Les Mitchell, Malcolm Crowe, Jim Black, Richard Durk, Allan Wishart, David Dawson, David Jago.
This left 5 places to be filled- nominations: Gavin Lambie, Hugh Bain, Ross Deane, Muriel Robertson, Alan Mole. Unanimously elected.
22nd 7/4/1981 Flat: John Guiller-McCallum move in free rent for odd jobs (6hrs/week). Use room only, other rooms one for Peter, and one for Mgt. Ctee.
21st 24/3/81 BS Loan: agreed in general that loand from members should be paid back as soon as finances permit, especially where a written agreemed to pay by a certain date had been made.
20th 10/3/1981 Interim Financial Statement: Richard reported that the projected income of £10000 per month had not quite been met. ... One member was pressing for payment of a £1200 loan: Malcolm felt this was unreasonable.
Projected Trading Figures for Feb - May 1981
Trading income 10,000
15th 19/1/1981 Problem at Door: Building control had put limit on numbers at 200 becaue of loos.
Financial Statement 25/10/1981
Bank statment 26 Sept overdrawn £32,518.37
Overdrawn at abnk 25 Oct 1980 £32,823.12
Loss of Licence insurance with Royal Insurance - letter to Royal.
Minute of Mgt Ctee 9/10/80 Present David Jago, Malcolm Crowe, Billy Heppleworth, Ian Rankin, Alan McGarrity, John Duffy, Brian Gorman (in Chair).

Duties of Manager: 3 sides

Special Ctee Meeting 30/12/1981: John Guiller-McCallum leaving club as of 2/1/1982 for post at BBC. Mark Govan will take over as temporary manager.
Richard resigned as Treasurer