GD467/2/4/7 1970-81 Press cuttings: sexuality (only those relating to Scotland specifically noted)


1979/1007 Sunday Mail: Young Scotland's View - Sunday Mail Poll Special double page.
Is sex outside marriage wrong? Y 21%, N 61% DK 18%.
Should homosexuals be allowed to marry each other? Y 18 N 67 DK 15%
The poll "Attitude of Scottish Young People" executed by Survey Research Associates - quota sample of 15-20 year olds in 44 constituencies.

Is sex outside marriage

1975/08/16 Justice of the Peace p466 - 2p review of books on hs. by Dr WJ Bolt, former Chairman , Howard League in Wales.
1976/03/20 Doonesbury cartoon ? source.
Black Guy: Hey, man- Ginny tells me you bin recrutied to write for her!
Gay: Yeah, that's right, Clyde..
BG: Don't you think that could be kind of an embarrassement to the campaign?
G: How's that, Clyde?
BG: Well I hear you're gay!
G: That's right and I hear your black.
BG: Yeah, but that's normal!
G: Didn't used to be.

Strathclyde Region face child-care problem - Bachelor seeks to adopt boy. Sponsored by Bernados and mentions that Canada have a "Big Brother" fostering, also some US states.

1978/07/05 Daily record -A Son of my Own - bid by bachelor. p1.
  .................. many more articles all dealing with England.