Renfrew & Ayrshire Gay Newsletter No 14 [November 1983]

Inverclyde Gay Group - has lively meetings every Thursday 8pm in the Co-op Halls, Roxburgh St., Greenock.

Kilmarnock Gay Group - a small informal group meets every Monday in the Kay Park tavern, London Rd., Kilmarnock.

RAGS TO RICHES? Renfrew & Ayrshire Gay Switchboard is desperately short of money and more importantly PEOPLE.
This is a valuable local service - almost everyone of us has used it at sometime - so it's worth support both financial and otherwise. ...

PAISLEY DISCOS The recent Hallowe'en disco held jointly with the Paisley Student GAYSOC was enjoyed by all and provided a little profit for the Switchboard - There's no details as to when the next one will be but EARLY NEW YEAR would seem likely. These events are an enormous effort to organise and provide little financial reward unless well attended. Please try to support them!

LAMBDA is printed FREE by J.D. Graphics - Thanks Jim.