GD467/1/1: Records of Outright Scotland

Second meeting of Scottish Minorities Group (SMG) 6 Mar. 1969

Original typescript with some red underlining (also carbon copy in file)


"Informal Agenda"

This is the second informal meeting to discuss the "position of the homosexual in Scotland".

Colin Harvey
Rosemary Harvey [script] absent, due to last minute natal developments
Donald Brooks
Jim Halcrow  [script] +2 (i.e. 3 from Edinburgh)
Ean Simpson
Ian Dunn

Apology for Absence: Bert Henry

Begin soon after 7.30pm, after an extended welcome.

Ian Dunn would like to lead off with developments since the meeting on 7th February 1969. Report to include reading or relevant correspondence received.

Donald Brooks and then Jim Halcrow to report their field of activity. Read their correspondence.

Debate developments
Try to decide our lines of action, a) towards A.[Albany] T.[rust] b) towards C[urch]ofS[cotland]
Come to a conclusion about ourselves "as a body".

Decide time and place of next meeting.

The Homosexual in Scotland - a summary of my report of the second meeting
Attended: Colin Harvey, Rosemary Harvey, Donald Brooks, Jim Halcrow (+2 i.e. s from Edinburgh), Ean Simpson, Ian Dunn

[Full text of this fullscap Gestetnered dcument follows.  Full document.]


A summary of my report of the second meeting of individuals to discuss the position of the homosexual in Scotland.

The meeting was held in 13 Buckingham Street, Glasgow, from 7.30 to 10pm on Thursday 6 March 1969. We met to debate the developments since the first meeting of 7 February 1969; to discuss our won lines of action; and to come to a conclusion about ourselves "as a body".

Each person, who had something to say, described their "field of activity" ... My first action was to visit Antony Gary in London on Friday 14 February [1969]. The meeting lasted over 2 hours and was very fruitful. A heave work-load locally had muted Albany Trust activities in Scotland. A.G's own proposal is that, shoudl we decide to act in unison, perhaps as "A.T. supporters in Scotland", we should let him know. He would then notify all Scottish supporters and ask the, to get in touch with the Scottish Group. It woudl then be "up to us". A.G. gave me two addresses and I contacted both persons. They are Mrs Kathleen Raby and Ean Simpson.

Mrs Raby is Casework Suprevison and Tutor at the City of Glasgow Society of Social Services, Bath Street. THis is a voluntary organisation undergoing fundamental change under Mrs Ray. Mrs Raby has done personal casework (sexual difficulties) in Liverpool, and is astonished just how far behind we are in Glasgow. We spent about 2 hours in discussion 6 March 1969. For the present I shall simply pass on rReports of our meetings, as she has a defty admin. job to execute.

Ean Simpson's present at the meeting was very much appreciated. He has just been nominated  Cahirman of his Presbytery Committee of Moral Welfare, which means that he inherits a seat on the National Committee (of Social and Moral Welfare). He very much wants Antony Gray to vistit Scotland, and will make representations. Ean has been counselling homosexuals in the West Scotland aread (A.T. referral).

A note from Allan Horsfall, Secretary NW-HLRC, was received 24 February 1969. He said that he is trying to find us a Scottish lawyer, and indeed there have been developments - of which a full repont will be made at our next meeting. An "ESQUIRE" meeting in Bolton on 21 February went off quite well. They have an option on premises there, and discussions with the Local Authorities continue.

Within our own Group, Donald Brooks has been in touch with the Muir Society, and has been keeping an invaluable eye on the "quality"  Scottish Dailies (Glasgow Herald/Scotsman). Jim Halcrow has been active in Civil Liberties. He will shortly be getting in touch with Esme Langley of a nationwide lesbian organisation, and is in correspondence with several other people.

DECISIONS which have crystallised from our discussions.

1. OURSELVES AS A BODY. Jim Halcorw propsed Colin Harvey as Chairman. Ian Dunn seconded. Colin Harvey proposed myself as Secretary. Ted Macdonald seconded. We decided to contiue these meetings. All costs have been met voluntarily to date. As from 6 March 1969 they will be shared.

2. ALBANY TRUST. We decided to ask Antony Gray if he will write to Trust supporters in Scotland, and to use this report (the full version ) as a basis for a visit to Scotland once opinion has been established.

3. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT MEETING. Friday 9 May 1969 7.30pm at 21, Hillhead Street, Glasgow, W.2. Full tribute must be paid to my parent's contribution to the success of the earlier meetings. Individually, everyone is most welcome at "No 13" - but serious groupwork must continue elsewhere.

[signed] Ian C. Dunn. (IAN C DUNN) Secretary.

This summary is condensed from the full report prepared in Prestwick 10 March 1969. The Report ran to 4 pages and 2 Supplements, and a limited number (12) were run of on a "Banda" spirit duplicator. Future circulars should be more concise and "Gestetner" duplicated. Equiries and comments are welcomed;write to me at 7, Hillside Crescent, PRESTWICK, Ayrshire.

[1 page of cyclostyled black print: not typed yet. It has stapled to it the one page discussion document (incl agenda) of the Third discussion/meeting "The Homosexual in Scotland"]

The full report is 4 spirit duplicated in red and green, with MS notes by ICD in blackpages of refereed to has not been typed.

See The Report on The Homosexual in Scotland 10 March 1969
