GD467/1/1/4 1970-92 Scottish Minorities Group/Scottish Homosexual Rights Group: National constitutions 


Index of Items in this file
About 1 cm think of loose pages

SMG Constitution: Edinburgh December 1970 - single side of A4

Draft Summary of SMG Constitution [signed] Malcolm [Crowe] Also handwritten draft of same.

SMG Constitution Adopted at the AGM held on 2 Dec 1972 - 7 sides of A4

SMG AGM 1973 - Amendment to the Constitution

A BRIEF HISTORY OF SMG by Ian Dunn Edinburgh: 23 June 1975

SMG began in Glasgow early in 1969 and was formally constituted on 9 May at a meeting attended by 25 people. Occasional meetings were arranged, with much smaller attendances, for the rest of the year in Glasgow.

THe first meeting in Edinburgh was on 22 August 1969 in the Mound Centrex which was then located at 8 North Bank Street. SMG was very experimental in the early days, and was considered to be an extension of the Church of Scotland's Moral Welfare Committee's fieldwork. These meetings, which became monthly in 1970, transferred to 52 Queen Street (the present Mound Centre) in May 1970. However the Group was asked to leave the premises by the end of that year because SMG had begun to pursue an independent policy.

The meetings in Edinburgh were the only ones in Scotland in 197. Almost, abandoned, SMG won a lucky break when the Catholic Chaplaincy offered regular use of their premises in George Square from January 1971. The Edinburgh Branch was formed as a district Branch later that year and Community House, Glasgow, offered their address as a 'National Office' at about the same time.

Thus the Group was established. Four of the original 6 founders are still active today in the Edinburgh Branch.

Ian Dunn.

Prepared for Cecil Sinclair, Convener SMG Edinburgh.

Aims of SMG December 1976

Various Amendments to Constitution dated 1976

Constitution of SMG - accepted 1977

Constitution of SMG accepted 1979

Various Proposals to amend Constitution of SMG dated 25 May 1985 - also handwritten alterations to these

1987 SHRG Constitution

The New Constitution dated 1992: [This looks like a proposed New Constitution (see 1 below). Was it ever accepted?]

"1. NAME. The name of the association is ------------------------, the Scottish Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Rights Group hereinafter called 'the Group'." ...

[On last page] "PROPOSED by the Executive Committee to the EGM on 21.11.92. The NAME of the Group shall be chosen by a ballot of all members."