GD467/1/1/2 1970 SMG: personal
papers of Ian Dunn
General correspondence, no minutes etc.. Lots of colourful personal letters.
SMG Scottish Minorities Group [25 Jan, 1970 ?Minutes of business meeting.] |
Report on Group Activities, January 1970 A full meeting of the Scottish Minorities Group was held at the Mound Centre, Edinburgh from 8pm to 10pm on Friday, January 9th 1970. The meeting discussed and approved for circulation, a new "Aims and Information" sheet; and "Blackmail", an encirculary carried out by SMG amongst its members. Both of these documents accompany this report. |
1. SECRETARY'S REPORT Copies of the Albany Trust's "Social Needs Survey" were received, and all members present completed a questionnaire. The Secretary undertook to post questionnaires to members who were not at the January meeting. Anyone who has not yet sent his completed copy to the Albany Trust is urged to do so immediately. Everyone will be affected to some degree by the results of this important research. ... "The Glasgow Herald", on December 6th 1969, refused to publish an advertisement announcing the Albany Trust research. No mention was made of the SMG in the proposed announcement. The Editor did not accept Secretary's invitation to explain this censorship. ... The Chairman wrote to Douglas Allan, Secretary of the Church of Scotland's Moral Welfare Committee, on Dec 10 1969, asking for a measure of support in our efforts to publicise the Albany Trust's research. The matter was discussed at a meeting ... Jan 13 1970. The committee decided not to endorse publicity, but made it clear, however, that their representative, the Rev Ean Simpson, should continue to attend SMG meetings and should be generally available for counselling. The group's activities are being closely scrutinised. |
SMG Geographical Scatter Map 1/2/70 spirit duplicated - 28 members. 2 members in England, 4 liaisons (various purposes) outside Scotland. |
Letter 7 Feb 1970 Ian Dunn to Antony [Grey, Albany Trust] ... I personally know of 50 "Social Needs" questionnaires that have been returned - which alleviates the Press' frigidity a little! A3 & Jeremy's prints on top of you own wide publicity must mean that this is the biggest ever UK survey of its type. |
Letter 3 Sep 1970 Bob to Ian [Dunn] ..lunch with Tony [Anthony] Grey. Very distraught and emotional ... real name Edgar Wright & he clearly expects us to use that - his actual name in future. |
The Scotsman, Kirk starts service
to help homosexuals, Fri 11 Sep 1970 cuttings & note. Kirk help on sex problems, Daily Record 11 Sep 1970. |
Sep 1970 The Bachelor Clan [Headed] The Bachelor Clan, , B.C.'Box 12, 1070 Dumbarton Rd, Glasgow. [with application form listing 55 special interests to tick] Dear Mr Farthing. You may , like myself, have been irritated on occasion by the often well-meaning but occasionally vicious use of the phrase "Well, and when are you thinking to getting married?" As if a fellow has to think of getting married. I for one don't think of it particularly. I'm content as I am with my bachelor status. And if I do someday decide to consider the prospect of marriage, then the decision will be my own, and in my own good time. My choice of bachelorhood is my concern, no one else's. And I wish that folk would recognise this and leave well alone. Yet I know that's asking too much. So in Scotland I launched the BACHELOR CLAN to counteract this attitude. Mutual defence? Or just a natural desire for congenial and like-minded comply? For there's no doubt that I enjoy company. It;s certainly not because I',m a recluse that marriage doesn't figure in my list of priorities. It's more because I simply like things as they are, and wan to keep them that way. Nevertheless it's true that the number of single persons I know is more limited than the number of married couple. So a BACHELOR CLAN seemed a good idea. It was meant to bring into contact with those who share my own outlook - and that would already be progress towards companionship, and eve friendship. The Clan at first was limited in its outlook. It was a Scottish Clan for Scottish lads. And the response was immediate. In fact, the Clan is now definitely part of the Scottish Scene. It was this response which convinced me that we ought to extend our frontiers and look beyond Hadrian;s Wall. Our success nationally suggest that many other fellows would welcome the opportunity to use our services. I have been acting as a kind of director and ensuring that the right kind of folk are introduced to each other. Already I have met several discreet and compatible characters through correspondence. I think that you might benefit in this way too. An it's certainly worth a try. The catch? Don't be too cynical. You may have been caught before and have now learned to be wary. But this is a genuine attempt to meet a need. I really do want to help - and help YOU. But - year, you are right, of course - I do need money to finance the operation. A membership fee of two pounds should be ample and necessary to defray the cost of the overheads. The more members, the more costs will be shared, and the better the service we'll be able to offer each other. So you may like to discuss this with your present bachelor friends before reaching a decision. When you have done that, send me the two pounds and I'll have you enrolled right away in our BACHELOR CLAN. Scotland has made a success of it. I'm convinced that in your area too there are chaps who would welcome the opportunity of getting to know you. If, when writing, you use the enclosed numbered lists to let me know your interests, it will help. In that way I'll be better able to see that you're suited. If you prefer to play safe, just send a stamped addressed envelop for further details. the CLAN had nothing to hide - and doesn't wan to anyway. So join us and share the benefit of clan membership. And give us the want to share the benefit of your company too. Yours very sincerely, NORMAN DUNNE [Headed] The Bachelor Clan, , B.C.'Box 12, 1070
Dumbarton Rd, Glasgow. [* marked in green pen with note below] "-by way of testing this out!" |
Omega, Newspaper of Edinburgh Student Community, Nov
2-16, 1971 No 3 |