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A message from DAVID JAGO, Chairman of Glasgow SHRG:

I am very pleased to launch this proposal for a Gay Club in Glasgow.

The need for a private gay club has been growing for some years now.

We plan to retain the present Gay Centre in addition to the proposed club, so there is no question of these proposals representing a step back "into the closet”. On the contrary, the new premises will also be a base for our campaigning work.

The gay club has to be an SHRG venture because NO OTHER BONA FIDE MEMBERS’ ORGANISATION FOR GAY PEOPLE EXISTS IN SCOTLAND. We are the only group who can oparate a licensed club in Glasgow for gay people. We have therefore a duty to the gay community to respond to the obvious need for a gay club.

No doubt there are many people outside SHRG who do not like the present “image” of the Branch, as projected by the Centre. But for better or worse, running a club will certainly change our image. Having two very different sets of premises may also encourage people to look further and see the rest of SHRG’s work, of which the Centre is just a part, albeit a very important one.

These, then, are our proposals. We are determined that the club will not come into existence unless we are sure it can be run well. That is why we are appealing now for support. The club will need to be pleasant, well—decorated, and well—staffed. Initially it will need to be well—financed, and here we will be supported by the bank and the brewery, provided we have guarantees from members for the bank loan to help buy the property.

If, like us, you think the gay community in Glasgow needs a club, this may be your only chance to make it happen. If we do not succeed in getting these premises, there may well be others. But it has to be through SHRG.