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logo Glasgow Club Project SHRG c1981
logo Glasgow Club Project SHRG c1981


Glasgow SHRG Gay Club,
Queen's Crescent, Glasgow.

An undated SHRG document probably from early 1979

GLASGOW CLUB PROJECT :    latest news from the Premises Committee
    Our investigations into the Ashley Street premises continue, though it now appears that necessary repair work could take some time.

    We are also looking at another property in North Woodside Road (near Crest Western Road), which is more expensive, but with the advantage that it would make a pleasant club in next to no time. It will also be convenient to the Kelvinbridge station in the ClydeRail project, and is probably better than Ashley Street as an investment.

    We hope to circulate more details sonn, but for heaven’s sake keep those financial guarantees coming in! we have £24,560 so far.

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