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A Gay Club for Glasgow c1980:[]
A Gay Club for Glasgow c1980:
Glasgow SHRG Gay Club, Queen's Crescent, Glasgow.
Text of an undated SHRG Document probably April,
It is extermely important to note that SHRG, as the only
bone fide gay organisation in Scotland, is in a unique position to develop
gay clubs in Scotland. The operation of the licensing laws suggeste that
ad hoc gay social clubs may find it very difficult to obtain a club license;
we therefore owe it to the gay community to make the most of’ our opportunity,
and were we to operate a gay club it would of course be run on “commercial”
lines, that is, with paid staff, a manager, etc.
However, if the project is to become a reality, SHRG members
and the gay community generally must rally round. We need, not money, but.guarentors,
for the initial outlay of’ £45000. Already a number of people have
indicated their willingness to guarantee the project, but there is still
a long way to go, and not all that much time. The premises presently proposed
by the Branch Committee could open as a gay club in mid July (our lawyers,
accountants, surveyors etc are already working away) so it’s not a distant
prospect by any means.
The final decision, of whether to get these premises,
or which to get, rests with you the members, at the General Meeting, and
no doubt we will only go ahead if we ara confident of success.
But an essential prerequisite in in your hands, as an individual.
If you have any span credit, or know someone who can help, do your bit to guarantee
the first Scottish gay club. We need to know by May 15th
whether we have the support for a club;
There is no point in considerting alternatives if we haven’t! SCOTTISH HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS GROUP (GLASGOW)
Notices relating to the General Meetings on May 15th and June 5th.
At the General Meeting on TUESDAY MAY 15th at 8 pm, the previously circulated
motion about the proposed leasing of club premises will be debated. Notice
is hereby given that the Branch Committee may propose as an alternative the
purchase of other premises, and all members interested in the prospect of
a gay club in Glasgow should attend.
As information is constantly being gathered in relation to the project, and
as investigations continue, it may eventually be expedient to delay a decision
on leasing or purchase until June 5th: whether to decide at once or postpone
until then will, be for the meeting on May 15th to decide. Nevertheless,
to fulfill constitutional requirements regarding the giving of notice of
motions, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the General Meeting on June 5th 1979
may also consider proposals for the lease or purchase of club premiese.
JIM SHEARER, Deputy Chairman
Send to: Premises Committee, SHAG,
I, _____________________________ (Block capitals please)
am prepared to act as a guarantor for SHRG(Glasgow) up to the sum of £
in connection with the above proposals for club premises.
Signed; _____________________
(This is not a legal document)