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logo Glasgow Gay Club Queens Cresent Opens 11 July 1980
logo Glasgow Gay Club Queens Cresent Opens 11 July 1980

Glasgow SHRG Gay Club,
Queen's Crescent, Glasgow.

est News on the Club: June 1980

The Club will open on Friday 11th July (not 27th June as previously stated) with a SPECIAL OPENING DISCO and free buffet (9—2). For its first two weeks the club will be open to non-membere, with special rates for those applying to join. There will be discos on Fridays, Saturdays, and Tuesdays and meetings on Wednesdays (see provisional programme below). There will be a Juke box and video games in the lounge and there Will be a quieter reading and television room downstairs where coffee will be served.

At present there is no alcohol allowed: nevertheless people who appear to be under 21 should bring proof of age. This is because we will soon be licensed, and we are starting out in the fully professional way we intend to continue, including a lower age limit of 18 years. A full range of soft drinks and a selection of snacks will be available.

After the first couple of weeks, entry will be restricted to members and their guests only. This means you should join at once so that you will not be refused entry to what will be Scotland's first, and Britain’s best, gay Club. Remember er it takes at least two weeks to become a member.

This is an exciting venture for all of us. Phase 1 including the disco and lounge, is being decorated and equipped to a high standard. Soon the Club facilities will be further enhanced when Phases II and III get under way.


A General Meeting A general meeting of t the Branch (club members only being able to vote) will be held to adopt new Club Rules on Friday 20th June at 7.30 pm. This is a result of legal advice to spell out parts of our rules more fully, and will also, give present members a preview of the premises.

P.S: Can you hold a paintbrush? Help us to fxnath Phase 1 by coming along at weekends from now to the opening date’, and see your Club take shape.


Wednesday Meetings Programme: 8.30 pm in the Club, 4 Queen’s Crescent.

July 16: The Saunders case; Latest developments, including a report on the meeting of MPs on June 18th. With Derek Ogg (solicitor for John Saunders)

July 23: Progress towards a national gay counselling service. Speaker:Cecil Sinclair, chairman of the Befriending Working Party (national).

July. 30: The “Unacceptable face of gay liberation”? Looking to the future with Ian Dunn.

Future meetings will include: the UK gay movement following the CHE Special, Commission debate, Gays in the third world, Whose liberty?, Gays and social work.


The Saunders Petition: This is a mammoth UK-wide petition sponsored by SHRG, CHE, NCCL etc. It is important to get a good Scottish block of signatures by June 28th when this gets handed in at 10 Downing Street during the Gay Pride March. Copies available from Jim Shearer or Malcolm Crowe: collect signatures from everyone — general. public too!

The petition ties together the discriminatory aspects of the Saunders decision with the various applications to the European Court of Human Rights, and demands the Govt abolish discrimination and adopt a positiove attitude to homosexuals.
COLLECT SIGNATURES IN BYRES ROAD on Sat 21 June: meet 2pm at Centre.

Gay Pride Picnic : also oh Sat 21 June; meet at the University end of Kelvin Way at 4pm for a picnic in Kelvingrove Park. Don’t be late!!

These events are early to ensure the largest possible Scottish crowd in London on Sat 28th June. Do your best to be there!



Latest News on the Club:   June 1980

The Club will open on Friday 11th July (not 27th June as previously stated) with a SPECIAL OPENING DISCO and free buffet (9—2). For its first two weeks the club will be open to non-membere, with special rates for those applying to join. There will be discos on Fridays, Saturdays, and Tuesdays and meetings on Wednesdays (see provisional programme below). There will be a Juke box and video games in the lounge and there Will be a quieter reading and television room downstairs where coffee will be served.
At present there is no alcohol allowed: nevertheless people who appear to be under 21 should bring proof of age. This is because we will soon be licensed, and we are starting out in the fully professional way we intend to continue, including a lower age limit of 18 years. A full range of soft drinks and a selection of snacks will be available.
After the first couple of weeks, entry will be restricted to members ‘and their guests only. This means you should join at once so that you will not be nefused entry to what will be Scotland's first, and Britain’s best, gay Club. Remember er it takes at least two weeks to become a member.
This is an exciting venture for all of us. Phase 1 including the disco and lounge, is being decorated and equipped to a high standard. Soon the Club facilities will be further enhanced when Phases II and III get under way.

A general Meeting A general meeting of t the Branch (club members only being able to vote) will be held to adopt new Club Rules on Friday 20th June at 7.30 pm. This is a result of legal advice to spell out parts of our rules more fully, and will also, give present members a preview of the premises.
P.S: Can you hold a paintbrush? Help us to fxnath Phase 1 by coming along at weekends from now to the opening date’, and see your Club take shape.

Wednesday Meetings Programme 8.30 pm in the Club, 4 Queen’s Crescent. July 16: The Saunders case; Latest developments, including a report on the
meeting of MPs on June 18th. With Derek Ogg (solicitor for John Saunders)

July 23:
Progress towards a national gay counselling service. Speaker:
Cecil Sinclair, chairman of the Befriending Working Party (national).
July. 30’:
the “unacceptable face of gay liberation”? Looking to the future
with Ian Dunn.
Future meetings will include: the UK gay movement following the CHE Special, Commission debate, Gays in the third world, Whose liberty?, Gays and social work.

The Saunders Petition : This is a mammoth UK-wide petition sponsored by SHRG, CHE, NCCL etc. It is important to get a good Scottish block of signatures by June 28th when this gets handed in at 10 Downing Street during the Gay Pride March. Copies available from Jim Shearer or Malcolm Crowe: collect signatures from everyone general. public too!
The petition ties together the discriminatory aspects of the Saunders decision with the various applications ‘to the European Court of Human Rights, and demands the Govt abolish discrimination and adopt a positiove attitude to homosexuals.

COLLECT SIGNATURES IN BYRES ROAD on Sat 21 June: meet 2pm at Centre.

Gay Pride Picnic : also oh Sat 21 June; meet at the University end of Kelvin Way at 4pm for a picnic in Kelvingrove Park. Don’t be late!!

These events are early to ensure the largest possible Scottish crowd in London on Sat 28th June. Do your best to be there!



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